Chapter 575

Nicole's expression remained unchanged.

Eber saw her take out her battered computer and found that he had seen it somewhere before.

Nicole did not give him much time to reminisce as she had connected the broken chip to the computer as if she was going to do something.

Eber could not help but say again, "It's not going to work. We have asked the world's top hackers to do the repair, but the damage is too severe; even they could not find a solution."

The undertone was that when even the world's top hackers could not fix it, Nicole was even less likely.But Nicole said nothing. She just looked at the reading progress bar on the computer screen and gently tapped on the desk rhythmically with her fingers.

Eber frowned in disgust at her stubbornness of not listening to the advice of others.

'What's going on with her? I've told her that there is no way she can fix it.Does she think she is better than those top hackers in Mecrounia?'

Thinking of this, he turned around and wanted to leave, not wanting to look at the result that he had seen countless times.

All the previous attempts had failed.

In his eyes, Nicole was a fool who had too high of an opinion of herself.

But as Eber turned around, he heard an incredibly rapid keyboard tapping sound.

A look of consternation flashed in his eyes, and then he spun back and took a look.

'This is by no means the speed a layman could do at!' In the few seconds, while he was turning around, Nicole had activated her own restoration program, her fingers flowing over the keyboard so quick that Eber could barely see where she was typing.

But the reading progress bar that had paused because of the broken chip had started to move rapidly. He could not help but come closer and take a careful look at the computer screen with incredulity in his eyes.

'This girl did it!' Until the reading progress bar reached 100 percent, Nicole's hands still typed rapidly on the keyboard. She looked extremely focused and convincing to him. At least at this moment, even Eber had a ridiculous thought in his mind.

'Maybe this girl can really help my family solve the crisis!"

The progress bar moved quickly, but Nicole's fingers moved even quicker until the reading reached 100 percent. Yet she was still not stopping but quickly following up with a stability maintenance program.Only then did she hit the enter key with a straight face.

The robot's chip was the carrier of all its information and programs, and the identity of the enemy must also be stored inside.

So the enemy had chosen to fry the chips when it was too late to clean up the battlefield strewn with the massive number of the wreckage of robots.

Frying the chips was almost equivalent to destroying the robots' central nervous system and also cutting off the possibility of the Turmann family tracing it to them and launching retaliation.

The enemy had really been meticulously trying to cover their tracks. But it was a pity that they met Nicole.

Eber was rooted to the spot as he looked at the layers of information that appeared in front of his eyes.

This thing had bothered them for a long time, and in just one minute, Nicole had solved it for them.

He now realized that he should have known better when Elijah had such high regard for this girl; she was more than met the eyes.

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