Chapter 564

'Mr. Johnston Sr. had stayed a low profile all this while. I'm afraid he has come to the party to help the Riddle family and we have such an honor, all because of Nicole.'

Mr. Riddle Sr. looked proud at the thought of this. They sat together and enjoyed talking with each other. Mr. Johnston Sr. was curious about Nicole and asked many questions, and Nicole answered all of them. She maintained a straight face, sitting with her back straight, looking extremely graceful in the face of such a powerful person.

On the other hand, Damien found no opportunity to interject. Everyone else looked at Nicole, who was surrounded in the middle, with a complicated look in their eyes.

At first, he looked down upon Nicole, but now her achievement was even higher than his. He figured he probably would not be able to do this if he were Nicole.

Daniel and Gloria stood to the side, watching their daughter become the center of attention in front of those bigwigs and felt proud of her.

Nicole looked at Sean and Steve and then said to Mr. Riddle Sr., "Grandpa, it's my brothers' party today, so I won't stay much longer. I will go upstairs first." Maximillian looked at Nicole with even more appreciation in her eyes upon hearing what she said. She knew her place, even though she was now in the spotlight. Sebastian seemed to have expected that Nicole would say this. He looked at her and nodded.

Mr. Riddle Sr. looked at Nicole with surprise, but he quickly realized something and smiled." Go ahead."

Chloe and Snow watched with jealousy as all three of them loved Nicole. 'Nicole really knows how to use the one-step-backward-and-two-steps-forward technique!'

The two of them came over, hoping to be noticed by Sebastian and Mr. Johnston Sr. But when Maximillian turned his head, he was actually nodding at Sean and Steve, and then squinted at Christo. "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Glancing at Christo, who looked at Nicole with an indignant look in the eyes, he walked over, grabbed Christo's collar, and dragged him out of the door. He did not forget the things that his grandson had entrusted him with.

Christo was frail and dragged along by the strong Maximillian, as if a mother cat carried her baby. As he tried to resist desperately, Shawn looked on anxiously, but was doing nothing.

Not that he did not want to. It was just that no one dared to defy Maximillian. No one had the desire to intervene. Everyone just looked on, dumbfounded, as Maximillian hauled Christo out of the party venue. 'It seems that the Rogers family is really collapsing.'

Chloe and Snow were stunned at seeing what happened before their eyes. Especially Chloe, who was still thinking of marrying into the Rogers family, never expected them to be so inept in front of Maximillian. She was extremely jealous at the thought of how nicely Maximillian treated Nicole just now. 'What is so good about Nicole that Jared likes her so much and even asks his grandfather to protect her? Why can't she if Nicole can?' She gathered herself and put up a smile at Maximillian, who was walking past her. "Hello, Mr. Johnston Sr., I'm-" Maximillian shot an impatient glance at the woman who was blocking his way.

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