Chapter 540

Dillon noticed the chilling look in the emerald-like eyes staring at him.

"You can say whatever you want about me," Carl said coldly.

"But don't you dare talk about Nicole like that."

Chloe and Snow were annoyed when they heard this.

'She must have put a spell on them or something. There's no way everyone's so loyal to her!' they thought. Dillon felt the pressure Carl was putting on him. He was scared.

Sweat dripped down his face, and his legs trembled as he backed up.

"Wh... What do you want from me? I'm warning you. This is the Riddle family home!"

Carl did not back down.

Instead, he sneered with a face full of ruthlessness and disdain, "Oh, yeah? What about it?"

Everyone was shocked at his response.

Even Mr.Riddle Sr's face turned solemn.

Damien and Dexter looked at Carl with some doubts.

'How could someone say that? Does he not take the Riddle family seriously? Even though our family status declined over the years, our family is still up in the ranks" Snow could not help but interject, "You are so arrogant. Do you not take us seriously? I'll have you know that my family is one of the top ten families in Hustuaburg!" Carl looked at Snow with a stern look on his face. He did not know who she was, but judging by her behavior, he knew she was an enemy of Nicole's.

The corners of his lips twitch slightly after hearing what she said.

"Oh, you with a limited outlook Do you know that Mecrounia is—"


Someone interrupted his words.

He turned around to look at Nicole who was standing on the stairs.

Her expression was indifferent, but there were no emotions behind her eyes. Her eyes glazed over Dillon as she said to Carl, "I'm ready.Let's go."

Carl looked at the people standing in front of him and frowned slightly.

However, he did not get mad at Nicole for interrupting.

Instead, he nodded, gave Dillon a warning look, and followed Nicole outside.

Halfway out the door, he noticed that Daniel was not following them.

He then turned to him with a pair of beautiful eyes and said, "Uncle, let's go."

As if he had woken up from a dream, Daniel replied, "oh," and followed the two outside.

After the three of them left, Dillon let out a huge breath and almost fell to the ground.

'Well, that was terrifying.Where did Nicole find this guy? He had such a murderous vibe" he thought.

Dillon then wiped the sweat out of his face and realized the words in his thoughts.

'Murderous vibe"

'Did that foreigner think that he could kill me?!' Anger rose in his entire being as he stood up and started to accuse Nicole, "Dad, look at the type of people Nicole brings to this house. Who knows what he would have done if she did not interrupt him in time!"

Dillon was his son.

'How could he not have said something?'

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