Chapter 516

Lloyd's expression instantly stiffened. He had known Nicole for so many years now, yet he did not know her real name.

At this moment, his expression instantly solidified into hoarfrost as he looked at Jared with a look of indifference.

"A name, or a codename, is just a symbol, a symbol to call her and to define her." He looked at Jared, the killing intent in his eyes palpable.

"I don't need to know."

Claus almost wanted to laugh as he looked at Lloyd, gritting his head and thought to himself.

"Bro, if you don't need to know, why are you so mad then?! Jared looked at Lloyd. The latter's words caused his rage to dissipate almost instantly, leaving only a little bemusement. He gently squeezed Nicole's hand and slightly raised his eyebrow.

"It's good if you have that conviction in you."

He then walked away from Nicole, and as he walked before Lloyd, he did not stop and kept walking.

The moment he passed the latter by, he left a sentence in Lloyd's ears.

"She is mine."

Lloyd let out an imperceptible frown as he held his hand out, wanting to catch Nicole, who was passing him by.

Nicole did not look at him and simply just shifted sideways to dodge his grasp. Her gaze was indifferent, with scant emotions in her eyes. She gently nodded at Lloyd and did not look at him again. When Harvey saw this, a smile finally appeared in his eyes.

"Just look, no one can catch Nicole"

"Even if that damned immaculate Lloyd is the same"

Lloyd pulled his hand back as he looked in the direction of the girl.

No one knew what he thought as he quickly followed after her.

Nachelle had seen what her son did. She frowned a little but soon noticed that her son was walking toward her.

A look of joy flashed across her eyes.

Although the girl had not agreed to her son's request, her existence, after all, made this banquet far more meaningful.

She had promised Lloyd to look for her, and now that he had found her, then Lloyd will need to come back to inherit the family business.

The reason she became a director was because of her son, but this nonsense should come to an end.He should now return to the business and help take her career to another level.

After all, the Johnston family was secretly getting stronger and stronger, while her family was still staying stagnant.

Recalling White, who had failed, a cold glint appeared in Nachelle's eyes as she looked extremely icily at Jared for an instant.

"Why did he attend this banquet then?" Jared did not look back, but Claus glanced thoughtfully at Nachelle with a slightly puzzled look in his eyes.

"What's the manner, Madam? You don't seem very happy to see Mr.Johnston here."

"Weren't you the one who sent us the invitation, and now that we're here, you're feeling displeased?"

Nicole gave Nachelle a faint look of indifference as a thought crossed her mind.

The direction of Warbler's code was indeed toward the Holder family, but she had no idea what sort of entanglement they had with Jared, so much so that even White was deployed to attack these G-grade drugs.

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