Nicole then heard him calmly speaking to Mr.Riddle Sr.

"The reason I'm here today is to make it clear to the Riddle family."

"If you lot cannot protect Nicole, I won't hesitate to take her away."

His eyes were impassive, yet just by standing there, it was as if an invisible pressure piling upon everyone's head, causing them to inexplicably feel like they were suffocating.

When Chloe saw this, a strange look appeared in her eyes.

Jared looked faintly at Dillon and his family.

His voice was calm, yet when a chill came upon them when they heard his words.

"Mr.Riddle.Sr.if there is someone that you find difficult to teach a lesson to, allow me then."

How could Mr.Riddle Sr.not grasp the hidden meaning behind Jared's words? As he looked at Nicole, whose face bore little expression, he realized that he had been too soft all this while, that he allowed Dillon and his family to take advantage and overstepped their boundaries.

Seeing the two standing before him, he finally understood what Mr.Johnston Sr.had meant.

Here he was still foolishly trying to groom Nicole to be worthy of Jared, yet by the looks of things, the two of them had already secretly had feelings for one another.

Seeing how protective Jared was toward Nicole, it would be difficult for things to resolve unless he provided a response.

After all, they were saved by Mr.Johnston Sr., and all of that was because of Nicole. He could not continue defending Dillon anymore with good conscience.

As he thought of that, Mr.Riddle Sr.walked toward Dillon and smacked the latter with his walking stick.

Dillon immediately fell to the ground.

His face twisting and contorting because of the severe pain, with a perplexed look still on his face.

"Dad, what are you doing?!"

Mr.Riddle Sr.did not say anything as the walking stick in his hand landed on Dillon again and again, each blow landing with full strength. "Dad, stop, please! Ahhh!"

Dillon begged for mercy, but Mr.Riddle Sr's beating got even more brutal.

Dillon rolled on the floor in pain, and soon bruises appeared all over his body as he screamed.

Karen was very distressed when she saw Dillon suffer like that.

She immediately looked at Damien and Dexter as she yelled.

"Damien, Dexter, stop Dad! He's going to kill Dillon!"

Both Damien and Dexter looked at Dillon before them, but neither of them moved.

They were lucky this time.

If they were to allow Dillon to bring harm to them again, they dare not imagine what would happen next time.

Seeing that they were keen to simply just stand and watch, Karen gritted her teeth in anger, but there was nothing she could do.

Snow and Raine were so frightened they were hugging each other, refusing to look at that cruel scene.

Yet, the thud of the walking stick beating on Dillon and his wailing still reached their ears.

They gave Nicole a resentful look, but they caught Jared's impassive gaze, and they immediately looked away in fear.

Mr.Riddle Sr.had only just recovered, and he had used all of his strength to beat Dillon dozens of times.

Soon he was panting, but yet he gritted his teeth as he continued to beat the latter with undiminished strength.

When Nicole saw him struggling, she frowned and said coldly, "Enough."

Mr.Riddle Sr.looked at Jared, and upon seeing the latter's expression was still impassive, he lifted his stick to continue the beating.

Nicole gave Jared a helpless look. It was not that she was sympathetic to Dillon, but Mr.Riddle Sr.had, after all, treated her well, and she did not wish to watch him struggle like that.

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