Chapter 456

Shawn's patience had run out. He stood up to look at Nicole, who had been keeping silent all along, with a slight impatience on his face.

He was just about to open his mouth when the door behind him slammed open, and Nicole soon heard the shrill of a woman.

"What makes you so long?"

Lyana strode in. Those bodyguards in front looked back at her in unison, startling her for a moment. Shawn squinted when he saw her.

She quickly calmed down and recognized that those people were from the Rogers family. Lyana glanced at them and then swaggered up to Shawn and looked at this brother-in-law of hers with disdain. "Do you need to bring so many men just to deal with one girl?" she asked coldly.

Not sparing a second glance at Shawn, she picked up a bradawl the thickness of an index finger and sneered at Nicole, who was keeping her head low.

"Has she told you where the diamond is?" A look of disdain flashed in Shawn's eyes, but he still replied, "Not yet." Lyana looked at him disapprovingly. "What the hell are you doing here? I sent you to interrogate her, and you were sitting here waiting? Torture her and wake her up if she remains tight-lipped." She walked toward Nicole with the bradawl, the smile on her face changing from graceful to sinister. "I'll see how stubborn you can still get when I cut your face and smash your hands so that you won't be able to seduce my man and steal things again."

Then she walked around Nicole and was about to wield the bradawl at Nicole's hand, which was tied behind the chair.

Shawn watched Lyana's action but did not stop her. Just a second before Lyana could hurt Nicole, a loud noise suddenly came behind her. As if something had blown up, the powerful explosion almost shattered the eardrums of the black clad bodyguards at the scene. They all covered their ears in pain. Lyana was so frightened that her hand trembled while Shawn frowned and looked back. Nicole, who had been sitting quietly, saw the opportunity. She took action while they were distracted.

Nicole broke free from the handcuffs, gently threw her hair away, and picked up the sharp blade that had fallen out with one hand.

The blade, made of an unknown material, was glinting with silverish flashes. With just a flick of her hand, the blade cut the rope that was made of a special material in half, and they

dropped to the floor at once. Now that Nicole had broken free, she turned around and grabbed Lyana's wrist. Lyana, who grew up like a spoiled child, was no match for Nicole's strength. She screamed in pain, and the bradawl dropped from her hand. Nicole caught the bradawl mid-air and pointed it at Lyana's temple.

She looked coldly at the men from the Rogers family and said, "Don't you all move."

The table had been turned. Shawn looked at what had happened and was exasperated. He knew that nothing good would happen when Lyana came.

He motioned for everyone behind him to put their weapons down. Nicole cocked an eyebrow, and Shawn shot a glare at her, slowly pulled out a pistol from his waist, and laid it on the floor while his eyes were on Nicole.

Nicole looked at Shawn and did not believe him. So she still stood where she was, motionless.

Her hand was steady, and the bradawl poking at Lyana's temple did not move an inch. Lyana was frightened that she pleaded incessantly, saying that she would repay her kindness, hoping that Nicole would le her go.

Shawn looked grave, as he knew the explosion was not an accident. Their location had most likely been exposed.

Thinking of this, he suddenly made up his mind and beckoned his men behind him to fall back

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