Chapter 426

Everyone was stunned when they heard what he said.

"Did I hear him right? Fatty wants to take Nicole to meet Mr.Wyance?" they thought.

Dillon was the first to start yelling, "What are you going on about? Who is Nicole to meet Mr.Wyance?"

"We've been so busy vying with McCarthy Corporation for that piece of land that even I've had a hard time meeting with Mr.Wyance.Nicole is a nobody; why does she get to meet Mr.Wyance?' Dillon thought to himself.

Damien also frowned.

He looked at Eric doubtfully and said, "Mr.Anderson, you must be joking? Nicole is nothing more than a student to you. Who is she to meet Mr.Wyance!"

Mr.Riddle Sr.did not question him like the rest.

Instead, he asked politely, "Mr.Anderson, are you confident regarding this matter?"

The Riddle family was currently looking for an opportunity to get to know Sebastian Wyance.

However, they had not found the chance to do so.

Now that the tender proposal was due to commence, Mr.Riddle Sr.was starting to feel anxious.

Mr. Riddle Sr.knew that Eric was not the most reliable person.

Regardless, his appearance gave him some hope.

Damien looked at Eric nervously.He, too, was hoping that he was being serious.

After all, Nicole was still a part of the Riddle family.

As long as Eric had decided on the matter, Nicole would have to meet Sebastian even if she was reluctant.

Eric stared at Benjamin and said with an air of dignity, "I have my ways."

'Nicole's Math Olympiad competition is tomorrow, and the awards ceremony is on the day after tomorrow.

Since Mr. Wyance and I will be attending the awards ceremony, I'll find a way to bring her to him even if she doesn't win a position in the competition.

'If she is the person Mr.Wyance is looking for, I'll benefit from this; and if she isn't, at least he'll know who I am"

Eric plotted away in his head.

Everyone believed him after hearing his seemingly confident statement.

All of a sudden, everyone turned to look at Nicole.

Damien had a stern look while Dillon was looking at her threateningly.

Dexter had an unusually firm look in his eyes; even Mr.Riddle Sr.was looking at her pleadingly.

Meanwhile, Sean frowned.

'Grandpa has been in the management and executive board for too long. He must've forgotten about the way we handle things here.

'Why is Eric trying so hard to take Nicole to his meeting with Mr.Wyance? He'll definitely reap plenty of benefits from doing so, but what exactly does he want Nicole to do?' Sean wondered. Sean's gaze toward Eric grew cold at the thought of this.

"Why are you taking Nicole with you?"

Eric was looking at the dim-witted Riddle family with a smile. He was dumbfounded when he heard the question. He turned to look at the cold young man.

The young man had features that resembled Nicole's.

'They must be closely related" Eric thought.

He laughed and said, "That's because Nicole is an outstanding alumna.I plan on taking her to meet with Mr.Wyance because she'll reflect the competence of Royal Creek Institute students." Sean was not fooled by his words.

He continued looking at Eric coldly and said in a chilly tone, "Nicole is outstanding? But she hasn't even sat for a single test? Why did you choose her of all people?"

'If he wanted outstanding students, wouldn't Raine and Snow-the long-time top students-be the ones he seeks?' Sean wondered.

Mr.Riddle Sr.quickly realized what Sean meant.

Daniel's gaze toward Eric turned unfriendly as if he had also realized something.

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