Chapter 3164

"Okay, what do you plan to do next?" Nicole asked.

Doretta had finally made her move, probably giving the fake seal to Everett by now. However, since it hadn't been revealed as fake yet, Doretta's trickery was still a secret.

"I think we should hold our position for now," Patricia spoke quietly. "If we expose Doretta now, it might alert Everett. It's better to wait and see what he does." "That sounds good. I'll arrange the other matters," Nicole agreed.

"Ms. Riddle, we should still be cautious about Everett," Patricia hesitated before reminding her.

"I understand," Nicole said, her gaze deepening as she hung up the phone. She knew Patricia was right; Everett was indeed someone they needed to be wary of. "Nicole, is it time to act?" Lulu asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Doretta has taken Ellar's seal and will likely find an opportunity to give it to Everett," Nicole's expression darkened slightly. 'Doretta has been cautious, waiting so long to make her move.' "What did you and Patricia plan to arrange?" Lulu asked, puzzled.

"Our plan might be perfect, but it's still built on assumptions. We can't be certain that Everett will act as expected, so we gotta be ready," Nicole replied, glancing at Lulu. Lulu nodded. "So what's your plan?"

"The funds from the crest families should have arrived by now. I believe the companies will survive this crisis. I think it's time for the people from

the Eastern Falcon to make their move," Nicole said with a faint smirk.

She thought, 'By giving Everett something to deal with, even if he's cautious, he won't have the energy to scrutinize every detail closely.'

Lulu understood what Nicole was implying, her eyes widening with excitement. "So, we can take action on our side too!"

In her mind, she reasoned, 'This way, even if Everett is smart, he won't be able to focus on anything else for a while. By the time he realizes, it might already be too late.'

Nicole slightly raised her eyebrows at Lulu. "You're going to be busy."

"Don't worry, I've been ready and waiting to get busy," Lulu said confidently.

She understood that if the affected companies managed to survive this crisis, their previously paused projects could restart, and her workload would increase. But that wasn't a problem for her; she had always expected the projects to resume and had prepared for it.

"Alright, go ahead and get busy," Nicole said with a smile.

"Then I won't bother you anymore." Knowing Nicole had a lot on her plate, Lulu left after responding.

Nicole's gaze dropped to the documents on her desk, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Doretta had the seal and would definitely give it to Everett. Although Ellar and Patricia were aware, they hadn't made it public, acting as if they were unaware the seal was missing.

Nicole thought, "However, the seal is an essential tool for work, so we couldn't delay for long. It is likely that Everett will soon take action. I couldn't wait any longer; it seems I have to act on multiple fronts.' With that thought, Nicole's gaze darkened, and she picked up the phone again.

In the afternoon, the sunlight was intense. Despite the scorching weather, a chill seemed to pervade Everett's office.

"They've all been captured?" Everett's voice carried a hint of coldness.

"Yes, we can't contact any of them," Jerry responded, trying to keep his composure.

"Do we know who did it?" Everett asked through clenched teeth.

Jerry hesitated before answering with confusion, "We checked, but couldn't find anything. It doesn't seem to be San Joto's people."

Everett understood what Jerry meant by "not San Joto's people" - it wasn't Jared's or Nicole's doing.

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