Chapter 3158

"Now that you know, what do you think about it?" Seeing that Preston was teasing her, Lulu didn't back down.

"I can't change anything with my thoughts. Right now, the only thing I care about is not feeling pressured to get married. Everything else isn't that important. As long as I'm not rushed into marriage, the pressure isn't a big deal."

"Wait until Ellar gets married, then you'll see," Lulu said, shrugging and looking forward to the drama that might happen.

"Then well wait/ Preston replied casually, as if the idea of Ellar getting married was not a big deal.

"You mean Ellar getting married is unlikely?" Lulu asked, tilting her head and sizing up Preston.

"Good things take time/ Preston remarked, genuinely believing Ellar's journey to marriage wouldn't be smooth.

Lulu pouted. "You're not very optimistic about his marriage. Be careful, or Ellar might come after you."

Preston chuckled but didn't continue the topic. Instead, he turned to Nicole. "Have you changed the direction of the investigation?"

"What's up?" Nicole asked, her expression turning serious.

"Here's the deal. I had a lead on someone suspected to be part of the Eastern Falcon, but suddenly there's been no word from him. I'm a bit worried. Did they discover something?" "Well..." Nicole began, briefly explaining the situation to Preston.

Preston immediately understood. "I see. I thought your actions might have spooked them."

"Some things are better left to them. I shouldn't get too involved, just offer some support," Nicole said, indicating she would step in only if absolutely necessary.

"As long as everything's okay," Preston knew he shouldn't pry further.

"Has there been any new activity from Jerry's side recently?" Nicole inquired.

Preston shook his head." It looks like all their attention is on dealing with Ellar right now. There haven't been any other moves lately."

"Alright, I got it," Nicole responded.

"You must remind Ellarto be cautious/ Preston added, still concerned.

Nicole nodded. "I know, don't worry."

"Alright, I'm off then," Preston said, preparing to leave.

"Bye/ Nicole and Lulu called out.

"If there's any new update, I'll let you know," Preston said before turning to leave.

Checking the time, Lulu also said, "I should get going too."

"Okay/ Nicole responded.

Soon, Nicole was left alone in the office.

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes shadowed with contemplation. 'Everything now is about waiting for the right moment to strike. Patience can determine the victor, and I have plenty of it.' Meanwhile, at BayCorp, Ellar had just finished his paperwork when he heard a knock on the door. Setting the documents aside, he looked up and called, "Come in."

The door opened. The moment he saw it was Doretta, the hopeful expression on his face instantly disappeared.

"Ellar, there's a document here I think has some issues. Take a look/ Doretta placed the file in front of Ellar. "Here, I feel this plan might be somewhat disadvantageous to our company..."

"You have a point," Ellar agreed with Doretta, then said, "Then let's revise it as you suggest." "But this isn't my project. I just noticed it while helping with the printing. If it's handed over to me..." Doretta said, sounded a bit troubled, "Would that be alright?"

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