Chapter 3151

Sitting on Jared's lap, Nicole smiled and lifted her arms to wrap around his neck. "Actually, Nolan is right. Even though things have gotten a bit more complicated, life must go on."

"I was thinking, maybe we could go ahead with the wedding as planned, but then I thought... perhaps not," Jared didn't spell it out, but Nicole had already guessed. "You're worried that if we have the wedding, Everett might take the opportunity to strike," Nicole leaned her head on Jared's shoulder. "There might indeed be such a possibility." After all, during such joyous occasions, everyone's focus would be on the wedding, not their surroundings. If someone were to cause trouble, it would indeed be easy to succeed. "Yeah, let's wait a bit longer. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I don't want you to have any regrets," Jared said, looking at her with affection in his eyes.

He wanted to give her the best he could, wanting their wedding to be perfect and complete, without any risk of regret or displeasure.

Nicole frowned, pondering his words. "If that's the case, let's do as you say." She understood his perspective and didn't want him to have any regrets or feel guilty. She agreed that such a momentous occasion should be perfect and complete.

"It's you who's being compromised," Jared said, his eyes full of tenderness.

Nicole smiled, her arms still around Jared's neck. "How so? You're the one being compromised." Not only had he waited for her for so many years, but he had also been prioritizing her since his return. Clearly, he was the one who had given more.

"After all this is over, well have the wedding," Jared said, caressing Nicole's delicate hand and gently kissing her fingertips.

"Okay," Nicole agreed, looking up at Jared, her eyes brimming with smiles.

Seeing her smile so sweetly, Jared's gaze deepened, and he slowly lowered his head, his lips meeting hers.

The cool touch of his lips stirred the head within her.

The next day dawned bright and sunny. After breakfast, Nicole and Jared left the Riddle residence. Arriving at Riddle Corporation, Nicole got out of the car and waved at Jared. "Bye." "Wait for me after work," Jared said with a soft gaze.

"Okay," Nicole replied, watching Jared's car drive away. Turning around, she saw Lulu approaching and smiled. "Lulu."

Lulu joked, 'With such a reluctant goodbye, I thought you'd watch him drive away a bit longer.'

"Not at all," Nicole retorted with a playful glare.

Laughing, the two walked into the company.

As they stepped out of the elevator, they waved hello to Sean and Steve.

"Right on time. I need to talk to you about something," Sean said, looking at Nicole, and motioned for them to follow him to his office. They soon reached Sean's office.

"Is everything okay?" Nicole's expression turned serious as she sensed that Sean's summons were about something important. "Let's all take a seat," Sean gestured for everyone to sit before continuing," It's about some of our partner companies."

"The ones we're having problems with?" Nicole clarified.

Sean nodded. "Yes."

"Didn't they agree to cooperate with US? Are they changing their minds?" Lulu's expression became serious.

"No," Sean shook his head, then explained, "But the situation for each of them isn't very promising. I'm worried they might not be able to fulfill their commitments."

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