Chapter 3148

Lulu frowned and looked at Nicole. "You think Doretta's ambition is so big, maybe she asked Everett for something, and he didn't agree?" "Only Doretta would know that," Nicole sighed, genuinely surprised tha Emma's distant relative would do something to harm her.

"Nicole, if our plan succeeds this time, can we finally bring Everett to justice?" Lulu's eyes sparkled, as if she could already see Everett being captured.

"Everett." Nicole's voice turned cold as she uttered the name.


Meanwhile, Jerry made his way into Everett's office. "Mr. Wright, Doretta has started at BayCorp and is trying to get close to Ellar." "Tell her to expedite her actions," Everett instructed, his voice icy.

"Our contact just met with her. She's indicated that she's too new at the company to initiate any significant moves just yet," Jerry relayed.

Everett let out a derisive snort. "Delaying only increases our exposure to risk. Her hesitations are unnecessary."

In his mind, he reasoned, 'Whether she steals the seal now or later makes no difference.

'Is she under the impression that a delay will soften Ellar's stance? The final result won't change; there's no other path.

'Given Ellar's evident fondness for Nicole, it's clear he wouldn't waver, even if presented with the chance.

'Thus, the idea of offering BayCorp for Ellar is pointless in the end; he won't be persuaded.' "I'll ensure our message is conveyed," Jerry said.

"And how is that 'individual' faring?" Everett inquired next.

"Everything is proceeding as expected, sir," Jerry assured him with deference.

"Hmm," Everett acknowledged, a note of satisfaction in his voice, though his expression was one of scorn. "As long as he doesn't complicate matters, when I take over here, everything of his will rightfully rever to my possession."

Securing control over Riddle Corporation and acquiring Nicole's two Crests would eliminate any future threat posed by the Eastern Falcon.

"Understood," Jerry acknowledged, then quietly awaited any further instructions.

"Good," Everett nodded and then fell silent.

Everett leaned back in his chair, his gaze dark, fixed on the window outside. He thought to himself, 'After enduring for so long and making so many sacrifices, I absolutely wouldn't allow myself to fail.'


As the sun set, Nicole and Jared made their way back to the Riddle residence.

Just as they were getting out of the car, Tia arrived, having picked up Nolan and Lana.

"Daddy, Mommy," Nolan and Lana ran up to Nicole and Jared.

"Hi, Jared, Nicole," Tia greeted them, smiling.

Nicole smiled back. "Let's go inside."

Entering the living room, they were cheerfully greeted by Daniel and Gloria," It's rare for you all to come back together today." "Grandpa, Grandma," Nolan and Lana called out obediently before scampering over to the couch.

Daniel and Gloria welcomed the children with open arms, their faces alight with joy.

"Grandma, is that a new necklace you're wearing?" Lana inquired, eyeing the unfamiliar necklace around Gloria's neck.

Gloria blushed slightly and nodded. "Yes, it is." "It's so pretty. When I grow up, I want to buy lots of pretty necklaces, lots and lots," Lana declared, stretching her arms wide.

"Haha, why would you need so many?" Gloria laughed, indulging her granddaughter's dream.

Lana tilted her head, considering. "For Grandma, for Mommy, and for aunts too. Of course, I'll have some for myself as well." "Alright, then we'll buy lots and lots, so everyone can have one," everyone laughed their hearts warmed by Lana's thoughtful and adorable gesture.

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