Chapter 3129

Doretta watched everyone closely, her expression neutral as she continued eating, pretending nothing was wrong.

After dinner, Patricia departed.

Emma, feeling content, took Ellar aside. "Well done, you've got a girlfriend now. I can relax."

"Yeah," Ellar said, relieved.

"When do you plan to get married?" Emma asked.

Ellar looked unhappy, forcing a smile. "Mom, do you really have to rush this? I'm your son, don't you believe in me? Am I that disappointing?"

"Of course not! You're not disappointing at all," Emma said innocently.

Ellar let out a resigned sigh. "Then why are you so rushed about my marriage? Before, you were anxious when I didn't have a girlfriend. Now that I just got one, you're asking about marriage. It makes me feel like if I don't hurry up, I'll be single forever."

"I didn't mean it like that," Emma said, noticing Ellar's misunderstanding. "I just hope you settle down soon." She always considered what's best for him.

"Mom, if that's not really the reason, can you give me some time?" El I ar asked, looking upset. "Also, if I bring up marriage with Patricia now, aren't you afraid I might scare her away?"

Dexter chimed in, "It's great that he's found someone he likes. Let's let them make their own decisions."

Emma gave them both a look and said, "I was just asking casually, why are you all so worked up?" She couldn't afford to scare Patricia away, especially since she genuinely liked her.

"Mom, even if it's casual, please avoid asking, especially when Patricia is around," Ellar advised, still concerned.

"Rest assured, I understand," Emma agreed.

Only then did Ellar feel relieved. He stood up, saying, "I'm going to rest now. You should rest early too, Mom and Dad."

"Go ahead," Emma nodded.

After returning to his room and completing his nightly routine, Ellar lay in bed, struggling to fall asleep. It felt like a flame was flickering in his heart. He hadn't expected Patricia to agree to come home with him, even if she later clarified it was just to pretend to be his girlfriend. For him, it was satisfying enough; at least Patricia wasn't coldly rejecting him anymore.

Meanwhile, in the guest room, Doretta took out her phone. After glancing toward the door, she dialed a number with some hesitation.

"Everything is normal for now."

"Noted," Doretta said firmly into the phone before hanging up, her expression darkening.


The next day dawned bright and sunny.

Laughter echoed from Nicole's office.

"Ha ha ha, really? Well, you might not be able to get out of this situation easily in the future," Lulu teased Patricia.

Patricia looked frustrated and frowned. "Ellar asked for my help. He should explain it himself next time."

Lulu nudged Patricia's shoulder, looking meaningful. "Emma seems really happy with you. What will you do if she comes to you directly?"

"I..." Patricia was speechless for a moment, feeling completely lost.

Emma had a warm conversation with Patricia the day before, making Patricia feel a strange warmth she hadn't felt before, probably because she didn't receive much parental affection growing up. She thought about how it might feel to have parents, imagining that being with family might feel just like this.

"Hehe, it seems like you're unsure too," Lulu chuckled.

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