Chapter 3124

Jared said, "Be careful and don't let Everett's men know.

"I understand," Max replied, determination shining in his eyes.

He started the car and drove Jared away from Riddle Corporation.

Meanwhile, Lulu and Patricia had arrived at Nicole's office.

Lulu whispered, "Nicole, we've checked the project proposal Ellar received. The project itself seems fine. I think Everett must be up to something else."

Patricia added, "Right, even if he underestimates Ellar, he probably wouldn't try that method again."

"But if that's the case, what is Everett planning?" Patricia asked, her brow slightly furrowed.

After taking a moment to think, Nicole turned to Patricia. "Let's take our time with this. As long as Eliar hasn't signed any contracts, Everett can't carry out any plans."

Lulu tilted her head, studying Nicole. "It seems like you've discovered something important?" Nicole doesn't seem worried, so Lulu felt she must have found a more crucial clue. With a sigh, Nicole responded, "It's not a new discovery; it's about Ellar."

"What's going on with Ellar?" Concern crept into Patricia's expression.

Nicole looked at Patricia, her eyes narrowing slightly, before recounting what Gloria had told her the previous evening to Patricia and Lulu.

"You mean, Emma is really pleased with Doretta right now!" Lulu's voice rose in shock, hinting at potential trouble.

"I've already persuaded my mother to calm Emma down, advising her not to rush things without considering Ellar's feelings," Nicole explained.

"Oh," Lulu breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good." If Emma wasn't so insistent, Ellar wouldn't be under so much pressure, giving them more time fortheir investigation.

"Patricia, keep a close eye on Doretta," Nicole reminded Patricia.

"Got it," Patricia replied, her expression complicated as she bit her lip.

"Our time is running out; we can't delay any longer," Lulu frowned. "You convinced Gloria to calm Emma down, but Doretta could easily persuade Emma too, especially since she's living with her and has easy access."

She was genuinely concerned that their efforts with Emma could be undone by Doretta with just a few words.

Even though they knew Doretta had hidden motives for getting close to Dexter's family, Emma saw her as a good person.

Nicole nodded slightly. "That's true."

Patricia gritted her teeth and said, "Ms. Riddle, how about this? I'll go to BayCorp for now."

She was worried. Even though she couldn't visit Ellar's home, being at the company might help her understand the situation better and ensure Ellar's safety.

Nicole thought for a moment before agreeing, "That might be the best approach."

'TH go there right away," Patricia suggested.

"Okay," Nicole nodded, acknowledging that Ellar might need more support at this time.

Shortly after, Patricia left Riddle Corporation and headed to BayCorp.

"Nicole, even though I trust Patricia's abilities, this involves Ellar. Could her personal feelings potentially cloud her judgment?" Lulu expressed her concern.

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