Chapter 3115

After dinner at home, Nicole received a call from Patricia.

"Ms. Riddle, Dr. Wyance gave me some application medicine, saying that although my face has recovered, it would be better to continue using it for a while longer."

Hearing Patricia's words, Nicole responded cheerfully, "I see, then you should use it for a while longer."

It seemed the visit was for this reason; Martin had been thoughtful.

"Ms. Riddle..." Patricia hesitated, then said, "But something doesn't feel right."

Nicole's brow furrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"

"The medicine Dr. Wyance gave me looks like it could last a very long time. "It seemed excessive for just a follow-up treatment; she could always go back for more if needed. Nicole, sensing Patricia's implication, couldn't help but ask, "Did you notice anything else?"

Given Patricia's suspicions, there had to be more than just this one concern.

"When I was there, Dr. Wyance was instructing his assistant about some matters, and from his tone, it seemed like he was planning to leave for a long time," Patricia explained. "Leave?" Confusion flickered through Nicole's eyes. "Martin is planning to leave San Joto?'

"I'm not sure of the details, just found it strange," Patricia added.

"Alright, I understand," Nicole said before hanging up.

Jared entered the room and, seeing Nicole in deep thought, asked, "What's up?"

After sharing Patricia's findings with Jared, Nicole said, "I wonder if Martin has encountered some trouble?"

"Perhaps he has work to attend to," Jared suggested, gently stroking Nicole's hair.

"But Patricia felt like he was planning to leave for a long time. What kind of work requires such a long absence?"

Jared's gaze deepened, and he gently held Nicole's hand, reassuring, "Even if there is something, he can handle it himself."

"I'm just puzzled,' Nicole sighed. "If he really encountered any trouble, he could've told US. As friends, we wouldn't just stand by and do nothing."

"Maybe he feels it's not necessary for US to intervene," Jared said, smoothing Nicole's hair. "Go take a shower and get ready to rest."

"Okay." Nicole agreed and headed to the bathroom.

She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Martin, who lived for his medical research, embroiled in trouble? It didn't add up. As dawn broke, Nicole's unease hadn't faded; it spurred her into action. She decided to check on Martin at his lab.

Upon her arrival, she spotted Martin, engrossed in his work. "Hey, Martin," she called out.

Martin looked up, surprised. "Nicole? What are you doing here?"

"Just checking in on you," she said, offering a reassuring smile as she moved closer. "What's all this?" she gestured toward his work. "Just tying up some loose ends," Martin replied, then paused, realizing the reason behind her visit. "Patricia told you, didn't she?"

His initial surprise at her presence faded, replaced by an understanding of her concern.

"I heard a little and thought I'd better see for myself," Nicole admitted, confirming the rumors that had reached her and Patricia. 'So, Martin is really planning a departure.' But the lingering questions in her mind were: where to, what for, and what had prompted such a sudden decision?'

"Why don't we sit down at the café downstairs?" Martin suggested, his look betraying a hint of unease.

"Let's go," Nicole agreed with a casual shrug, following him to the café, where they settled in with their coffees.

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