Chapter 565

When Arabella came to the door of the study room again, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

After a while, Kenneth's low and husky voice came from inside. "Come in."

Arabella pushed the door in, walked over, and put the coffee on the desk.

Kenneth's hand with the pen paused. He glanced at the coffee, then looked up at Arabella. "What is this?"

"Coffee, if you are really busy at work and need to stay up late, you'd better have a cup of coffee. Don't smoke. Smoking is harmful to your health, and you have already smoked a lot," Arabella said. Kenneth dropped the pen in his hand and leaned his straight back lazily against the back of the chair. He snorted and sneered, "What are you doing now? Aren't you tired when being around and pleasing different men every day? This is very satisfying your vanity, isn't it?"

Arabella thought in confusion, "What is he talking about?"

Her slender eyelashes quivered. She didn't know why Kenneth humiliated her so angrily after she kindly made him a cup of coffee.

"You are in a bad mood now, and I won't argue with you. Go on with your work. I'm out." Arabella turned around to leave.

However, Kenneth directly knocked the cup of coffee off the desk.

Arabella felt severe pain in her hand.

The hot coffee splashed on Arabella's slender hand, and the back of her hand immediately scalded red.

Certainly, Kenneth saw it. But he didn't mean it. He just couldn't stand Arabella's concern. He was standing on the balcony and watching just now. He didn't expect her to get out of Tyrone's car and enter his study room immediately.

Now that Kenneth saw Arabella's hand scald red, he felt a sort of sudden wrench, as if his heart was tightly held by a big hand. He felt a sharp pain in his heart, and even every breath was painful.

His dignity made Kenneth unable to stand up to check Arabella's burns. He grabbed her slender wrist and pulled her hard.

Arabella fell directly onto his sturdy thigh.

Kenneth pinched her delicate jaw. Probably because of the pain, her fair nose became red, making her look pitifully. He pressed his lips and reproached in a deep voice. "Take back the tears. It's not gonna work on me. Just bear the pain for me!"

Arabella's bright eyes were covered with tears. She hid her red hand behind her back and looked up at Kenneth with a stunning face. "You hate me that much?"

Kenneth froze and thought, "Is that what she thinks? She thinks I hate her?"

Kenneth didn't know why every time he saw Arabella, he would be angry, feeling like she had done something bad to him before, like...she had abandoned him. He always had an ambivalent attitude towards her. He was clearly attracted to her, but hated her a little bit, thinking that she was not a good girl.

Therefore, he always got angry easily. As long as she got close to other men, he wanted to cut her to the quick.

However, now looking at Arabella's tearful eyes, Kenneth felt so distressed and regretted what he said.

This feeling almost drove him crazy.

His silence at this moment was like acquiescence in Arabella's eyes. She bit her lip and then murmured, "Although I don't know why you hate me so much, I'm sorry. I will stay away from you in the future, and you don't have to humiliate me every time you see me. Although I didn't say anything, my heart hurts."

After speaking, Arabella moved, trying to get up from Kenneth's arms. "Let me go. I want to go back to the room to rest."

Kenneth suddenly took out a document and threw it on the desk. "Sign it."

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