Chapter 542

President of Guerrio University?

Mr. Pannell, who was originally standing at the edge and invisible to everyone, suddenly heard his name being called out by Kenneth.

In an instant, all eyes turned to him.

No one understood why Kenneth suddenly mentioned him.

Mr. Pannell's mind went blank for a moment, but he quickly reacted and stepped forward to stand beside Kenneth. "Mr. Lucero, hello. I am the President of Guerrio University. My surname is Pannell."

Mr. Hurley quickly interjected, "Mr. Lucero, why are you suddenly looking for Mr. Pannell? Guerrio University is not known for its academic achievements, and even in entertainment, it always plays second fiddle. Has something happened? Is Guerrio University in trouble?"

Everyone speculated like this, and even Mr. Pannell himself felt a little guilty. Could it be that one of his subordinates had caused some major trouble, and now Mr. Lucero wanted to hold him accountable? Kenneth's deep and narrow eyes fell on Mr. Pannell's face. His low and magnetic voice resonated as he spoke, "Mr. Pannell, no need to be nervous. There's nothing wrong. I just called you over for the group photo."

Kenneth pointed to the spot next to him.

Oh my God.

Mr. Pannell was originally just standing at the edge, which was his designated spot, but now Kenneth specifically asked him to stand beside him!

What just happened?

Everyone gasped in disbelief, and Mr. Hurley's face also changed. He couldn't believe that Mr. Pannell, who had no outstanding merits, had suddenly gained the favor of Kenneth, the President of the Lucero Group. What stroke of luck had befallen him?

Mr. Pannell was also taken aback, taking a long time to realize that Kenneth wasn't looking for trouble with him at all, but rather giving him recognition. He couldn't handle it anymore and he felt like he was floating.

"Mr. Pannell, please, let's start taking the photo." The organizers smiled warmly at Mr. Pannell and made a gesture of invitation.

Everyone moved aside, making way for Mr. Pannell. Suddenly, Mr. Pannell stood tall and his posture straightened. He coughed and confidently stood beside Kenneth.

On Kenneth's left was the frustrated Mr. Hurley, and on his right was the delighted Mr. Pannell. With a "click," the group photo was taken and hung in the display window of the memorial hall.

Mr. Pannell was very satisfied, casting a satisfied glance at Mr. Hurley.

Mr. Hurley was infuriated, not

knowing what tricks Mr. Pannell had played behind the scenes to earn a

second look from Kenneth. However, he had his own confidence, "Mr. Lucero, the cheerleaders from various

universities will be performing soon. Teaganian University drew the number one spot and will be the first to perform. Please stay and watch."

Kenneth's exquisite and handsome face showed no emotional fluctuations. He calmly replied with a single word, "Okay."

Mr. Hurley's gaze then fell on Mr.

Pannell. "Mervyn, I heard that Guerrio University has a campus belle named Arabella. She will also be leading the cheerleading squad today Arabella once wanted to enter Teaganian University, but I rejected her. Why did you manage to recruit her?"

Mr. Pannell felt refreshed, relying on Kenneth, and he felt that his fighting spirit had soared, "Kramer, there's a saying that those who can't appreciate pearls are blind. By accepting Bella, I want you to know the taste of regret."

"Hmph!" Mr. Hurley sneered

disdainfully. What was so special

about Arabella? He couldn't possibly regret anything. "Teaganian

University's cheerleading squad has always been the most attractive and highly anticipated. Mervyn, don't beast too much, or you'll end up embarrassed."

Mr. Pannell replied, "Kramer, you know that's in the past, right? Don't flaunt the past glory. We should look forward."

"You!" Mr. Hurley was furious.

The people around them couldn't bear it anymore and started criticizing Mr. Pannell.

---Mervyn, what's gotten into you today? Are you getting too full of yourself?

---How dare you provoke Teaganian University? Tone it down a bit. We all support Teaganian University.

Mr. Pannell sneered inwardly. These people had no vision and they were talking nonsense. He smiled at Kenneth beside him, "Mr. Lucero, which side are you supporting? Support our Guerrio University. We will definitely surprise you today!"

Kenneth raised his elegant eyebrows and said slowly, "I have confidence in Mr. Pannell."

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