Chapter 529

Liliana quickly ran into the kitchen and brought out the nutritious meal that Mattie had just prepared. She presented it to Kenneth as if it were a treasure. "Ken, this is the personalized nutritious meal I prepared for Mrs. Sharon. How is it? Am I amazing?"

This nutritious meal was actually made by Mattie, but Liliana was speaking as if she had personally cooked it, trying to get praise from Kenneth.

Mattie didn't say anything. She could see through Liliana's thoughts. Although Liliana had already put in some effort, of course, Liliana still couldn't compare to Arabella.

Mattie couldn't help but think of Arabella. If only Arabella were still here...

Kenneth's gaze softened. Liliana was a smart girl who never flaunted herself as the daughter of the Coffey family. She even swallowed her pride to please him. Men tend to have a bit more affection for this type of girl.

"Then let's go upstairs and see Grandma together."

"Okay." Liliana was overjoyed.

In the room, Sharon had already woken up. In the past few days, besides drinking some water, she only relied on nutritional infusions. Now she was almost skinny and in poor spirits.

"Grandma, you're awake." Kenneth quickly helped Sharon up and placed a cushion behind her. "Liliana is here to see you."

Liliana obediently stepped forward. "Mrs. Sharon, I've been wanting to come and see you for a long time. I've missed you. I heard that your appetite hasn't been good, so I customized a nutritious meal for you. Please eat some."

Sharon looked at Liliana. "Liliana, thank you."

"My pleasure, Mrs. Sharon. Let me feed you some soup." Liliana sat by the bedside, scooped up a small spoonful of soup, blew on it, and brought it to Sharon's mouth.

Sharon opened her mouth and cooperatively drank the soup.

Just as Liliana was happy and about to feed her a second spoonful, Sharon bent over and spat out the soup.

"Mrs. Sharon!" Mattie quickly stepped forward to pat Sharon's back.

Liliana hadn't expected Sharon to have such a big reaction to food. She was originally confident in using her own nutritious meal to cure Sharon and make a good impression in front of Kenneth.

Kenneth used a warm towel to wipe Sharon's mouth. Sharon stopped vomiting and coughing, feeling extremely exhausted. She waved her hand and said, "Ken, please take Liliana away. I don't want to eat anything. I just want to rest."

Kenneth didn't dare to go against her wishes. He whispered, "Grandma, then I'll take Liliana home first."

The two of them left the room, and Liliana looked at Kenneth with disappointment and grievance. "Ken, I'm sorry."

Kenneth pursed his lips and replied calmly, "It's not your fault. These days, every time Grandma took a bite of the food prepared by the chef, she would vomit. I'll take you home first."

In the room, Mattie wiped Sharon's hands. "Mrs, Sharon, you must pull yourself together. Look at Mr. Lucero. He stays by your bedside every day. He worries about your health and tries to find ways to get you to eat. How can you bear to leave him?"

Sharon let out a sigh. "Mattie, these days I've been having dreams at night. I dream... of Bella..."

Mattie froze.


"I've lived for much more than half my life. I've never regretted anything. But now, regret it day after day. I shouldn't have let Bella marry Ken... If it weren't for saving Ken, Bella would still be living well in front of me. I was too selfish..."

Mattie knew that this was Sharon's secret trouble. Her eyes also turned red, and she could only hold Sharon's hand tightly. "Mrs. Sharon, Mrs.

there's no taking it

Lucer were still alive, she'd be the first one to feel heartbroken when seeing you like this... Mrs. Lucero was a good girl. She was really very good..."

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