Chapter 520

The students of Guerrio University all went hog wild, while the playboys were so shocked that they couldn't come to their senses. They were amazed and obsessed with Arabella's delicate and beautiful face. These playboys had dated a lot of girlfriends, but they had never seen such a beautiful girl as Arabella. They thought even Liliana, the campus belle of Teaganian University, was not as good-looking as her. The moment Liliana saw Arabella's whole face, she had her heart in her mouth. She looked at Arabella's beautiful face in disbelief, thinking, "It turns out that she wears the veil not because she is not good- looking, but because she is so beautiful!"

Arabella looked at Ernesto with her bright eyes and said, "Mr. Bender, you lost this bet, so from tomorrow, you'll have to bring breakfast for all of us. I have something to do, so I'll go first." Arabella left, and her slender figure slowly disappeared from sight.

Ernesto was still staring in the direction of Arabella's disappearance, and his mind was now full of her beautiful face.

He thought, "It turns out that she is really good-looking. I lost. But how pretty she is!"

The playboys beside him pushed him.

"Oh, my! Mr. Bender, is that Arabella? She's so fucking beautiful, right?"

"Mr. Bender, that's your fiancee. No, she's not your fiancee anymore!"

Donavan looked at Ernesto and said, "Ernesto, you have nothing to do with Bella now. She is our school's campus belle. You'd better not play any tricks with her. We will all guard her." "Mr. Bender, you'd better arrange our breakfast in advance."


Donavan left with something of a swagger with a group of people. Before leaving, he said excitedly, "Have you taken pictures of Bella Post her photos on the forum of Guerrio University and shut the

internet trolls up!"

"I feel like I'm dreaming. I can't believe that our school actually has such a beautiful campus belle, and she is better looking than any campus belles of other medical universities!"

"I didn't expect that although we did poorly in studying, the campus belle of our school was the most pretty."

The students of Guerrio University left with pride, only leaving their backs to Ernesto and others, as if told not to envy them!

Ernesto gradually came to his senses, and it seemed that there was a lot of emotion in his heart, including surprise, shock, and regret... He had mixed feelings.

He thought, "How could I know that Arabella had such a good appearance? However, it's too late and irreparable. What exactly did I lose?"

Ernesto got into the car without saying a word, ignoring everyone. He directly sped away in his sports car and went to a bar for a drink with an upset look.

Liliana froze in place with a gloomy look. She was not only the campus belle of Teaganian University, but also the top of all the campus belles in Faykarta. She was sought after as the most beautiful woman in Faykarta, but now her position had been affected by Arabella and had become precarious.

She thought, "The students of Guerrio University are just all poor students, and they're nothing. But they didn't even look at me when they left. How annoying!"

Liliana returned to the Coffey's villa and entered her room. She took out her mobile phone and entered the forum of Guerrio University. Sure enough, Arabella's photos had already been posted.

People left messages one after another.

"Goodness, I can't believe that Guerrio University actually has such a beautiful campus belle!"

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