Chapter 504

Ernesto heard the news while he was playing racing cars with several young masters from wealthy families, and they all made fun of him.

"Ernesto, did you hear? Your father-in-law took your fiancée to Teaganian University this morning. Your fiancée wants to study there."

"What a pity! Mr. Hurley directly closed the gate of Teaganian University. He didn't let your father-in-law, mother-in-law, or fiancée in. They got a door slammed in their faces."

"Afterwards, your fiancée went to Guerrio instead. I heard she got in. Guerrio is the worst medical university, but it's a stretch for your fiancée to get in anyway. I thought she would inherit the family business and dance with knives and guns of Mr. Townley."

Ernesto took off his helmet. "What? That clown is going to medical school?"

"They didn't even let her into Teaganian University, but she got into the worst Guerrio University?"

Ernesto felt humiliated. It was her business if she wanted to make a fool of herself, but because of the engagement, he had to be embarrassed too.

He hadn't even settled the matter of her insulting him over the phone last time, so now he could settle both new and old accounts together.

"Alright, I'm going to Guerrio University right now to confront that clown. No matter what, I must break off the engagement today, or I'll be laughed at for a hundred years!" Ernesto set off for Guerrio University. Everyone became excited and followed, "Wait for us, Ernesto! We are coming with you. We want to see what your fiancée looks like."

Teaganian University.

Liliana also heard about Arabella's situation, and her classmates vividly told her.

"Liliana, your cousin Ernesto's fiancée has already gotten into Guerrio University. They said Mr. Townley and Ms. Cowley came to Teaganian University this morning and caused a scene. It scared Mr. Hurley."

"I also heard that Ernesto has already come with his people. They want to block Arabella at the school gate. It's going to be a good show."

"Liliana, school is over. Let's go next door together to watch."

Teaganian University and Guerrio University were neighboring schools, very close. It only took a few steps.

Liliana, looking at her classmates'

excitement, felt a little unhappy. She

didn't know how Arabella had

become so popular, but in any case, her popularity was extremely high now.

In the past, she used to be the center of attention, but now everyone was going to Guerrio University to see Arabella. She felt a little lost, even though everyone was going to see the joke, she still felt unhappy.

Moreover, what was so fascinating about Arabella? It was a complete waste of her time.

Liliana looked at the time and

quickly showed a sweet smile. She got up and left. "Sorry, I don't have time. You can go and see for yourselves. Ken said he would come to pick me up after school. I'm going to find him."

"Liliana, you're really so lucky. You're completely immersed in love as a little girlfriend." Everyone envied her.

Liliana finally felt a little happy. This was her life, growing up in various forms of envy and flattery. She waved her hand and left.

Guerrio University, Class 2 of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The bell rang after school, and those classmates couldn't hold back any longer. They quickly surrounded Arabella.

"Arabella, my mom brought back chocolate from Keithia. It's for you. Let's be friends."

"Arabella, where do you live? I'll give you a ride home in my car."

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