Chapter 260

Arabella got a fright by his staring. Her long eyelash trembled. And then she boldly stretched out her little hand and grabbed his slender index finger...

This scene took her back to 20 years ago---when Kenneth met Arabella for the first time. At that time, Arabella was still a baby. Helena Lynch and Olive Lawson were standing in the room. Helena was pretty, smart, as well as pure. She was saying something, which made Olive laugh with her beautiful and sorrow eyes.

Kenneth stood by the cradle, and Olive walked over gently and stroked his head, "Ken, let she be your bride in the future, will you?"

In the cradle, Arabella stared at him with her big eyes wide open. She waved her little hand, and grabbed his slender index finger.

She held on tightly, not letting go.

Arabella grinned, but there were no teeth in her mouth. Kenneth's handsome face flushed, and he turned around and went back to his room. When he was leaving, he heard Helena's nice voice, saying to Arabella in the swaddling clothes, "See, the boy has been flirted away by you." Olive smiled softly, "This is the first time that I've seen Ken blush."

The past was still vivid in his mind, but Kenneth didn't know that the girl under him was his "bride" back then. Neither did Arabella. She looked at him provocatively, "Did your "bride" drag you like this, Mr. Lucero. Why don't you thank me for helping you relive your old dreams?"

Kenneth found that she would be jealous when he mentioned that "bride", but he loved the way she was jealous.

"Mrs. Lucero. Lu, you are provoking me?!" His slender fingers fell on the buttons of her pajamas.

With a "slap", Arabella knocked off his restless big hand, pushing him away and trying to escape, "Mr. Lucero, no more pranks!"

Kenneth grabbed her slender ankle and pulled her back. The two of them rolled on the bed for a while, which made the big wooden bed produce a creaking sound.

At this moment, a coughing sound suddenly came from next door.

Arabella froze for a moment, and quickly stopped moving. She forgot that this was a dormitory, and the sound insulation was not good. The neighbors next door must have misunderstood. Oh goodness!

Arabella's beautiful little face instantly blushed, like a boiled prawn. She covered her face with two small hands in embarrassment.

After that, Kenneth's didn't frown any more, and he was now in a good mood. He held her soft body in his arms and raised his hand to take her small hand down.

Arabella hammered him hard and whispered, "It's all your fault. You are not around here at other times, but I would be here day and night. How embarrassing I would be to meet them in the will I future!"

Kenneth raised his thin lips, "What are you afraid of, Mrs. Lucero. Is there anyone who doesn't know the man in your room is me exactly? It's legal for us to be together."

"..." Arabella didn't want to talk to this shameless man. She switched to another topic, "Then what's wrong with your aunt? Why doesn't she like you?"

"A woman like my mother is always surrounded by many admirers, uncle..."


Arabella wanted to gossip, "What happened back then? What's the story of your parents, and also your stepmother Jada Lawson..."

Arabella felt that was just the beginning of the story, and he didn't get to the point yet. Now her curiosity was aroused.

Kenneth rolled over and grabbed her, "We've talked enough today, Mrs. Lucero. It's time to turn off the lights and go to bed."

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