Chapter 219

In short, Stephany's scheme was somewhat out of control. Since Arabella had not married an old man, who was her real husband then?

At that moment, Bryson said, "How funny you guys are. Certainly Young Mistress's husband is Young Master. How can you ask such a stupid question!"

As Caitlin was called someone stupid, her fingertips trembled, "You..."

"I don't like talking to someone fool," Bryson didn't look at her. Instead, he said to Arabella respectfully, "Young Mistress, don't be in a foul mood because of them. It is your birthday today. Young Master will celebrate your birthday on the top floor of the Emgrand Hotel. So let's go up now."

Caitlin, who was despised by Bryson, felt almost faint because of anger. But soon she became stunned as she heard that. The top floor of the Emgrand Hotel?

It was well known that the incomparable Emgrand Hotel was the most posh and luxurious one in Hardgrad. Its top floor had never been opened to the public. It was said that the place was as beautiful as a fairyland where stars could be seen closely.

All of them present heard of the top floor, but none of them had the change to go there.

As Bryson just said that, immediately it caused uproar.

"Well, butler, are you just talking through your hat?"

"It is said that the top floor of the Emgrand Hotel is a fairyland. Many people have no chance to go there even though they spend a great amount of money. But why? Because the hotel is an enterprise owned by the Lucero Group and the last thing its president, Kenneth Lucero, needs is money. Without a pass he gives, no one can go there."

"You just said that your Young Master would celebrate Arabella's birthday on the top floor of the hotel. Well, who do you think he is?" "Well, butler, are you going to tell us that your Young Master is Kenneth Lucero himself and he is Arabella's husband? Ha ha."

"It must be the biggest bullshit and joke I have heard this year."

The noble onlookers in the hall laughed in hysterics.

Seth became a little displeased. He also thought that the old man was his son-in-law, but got the wrong person finally. He hated new problems to crop up. As he heard Bryson's boasting, he said quickly and impatiently, "Look, Bella, no matter who your husband is, just don't make a fool of yourself."

Just now Caitlin was at a disadvantage, but she became complacent at the moment. She took Stephany's hand, "Well, Bella, I'm sure you can't go to the top floor of the Emgrand Hotel. My dear Stephany is the right person to go there. Well, Stephany, Mr. Lucero should come here to celebrate your birthday soon. You can talk about it with him and ask him to take you to the top floor to catch the stars."

Stephany's heart was hammering. What her mother had said made her rather tempted. As she thought that Kenneth just used the sky lanterns to lighten the whole Hardgrad for her at zero o'clock am, it would be a much told tale if he took her to the stars at night.

Stephany had thought it all out at last. Judging from Bryson's behavior, she felt that Arabella's husband might also be someone respected with a low profile. But he just couldn't be Kenneth Lucero anyway. Kenneth was the most prominent business tycoon in Hardgrad and a rainmaker.

Stephany looked at Arabella, "Well, Bella, I'm sure I will tell you about it if I can go up there, lest you should... daydream here."

Arabella raised her arched eyebrows and smiled, without any anger.

At the moment, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open. The crisp cold winds came down the hall from outside, with a tall and upright man. It was Kenneth Lucero.

He was wearing a handmade black suit today, looking rather handsome and erect. He brushed up all his bangs on his forehead and showed his good set of features.

He entered the hall steadily with his long legs. All of his behaviors showed his superior charisma of pride and arrogance, as if he was a king out of the unknown. People who saw him could not help but worship him.

Kenneth Lucero was coming!

Like a flying butterfly, Stephany greeted him quickly, "Mr. Lucero, here you are. I've been waiting for you."

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