Chapter 136

Gregory didn't believe it, and he thought it was all fake, so he followed Arabella's instructions and kept going to check. When it was finally over, his clothes were all soaked through with sweat and he leaned against the wall unbelievably, gasping for breath.

Everyone looked at Arabella in shock. They still couldn't believe what happened in front of them, but they had to admit that it really took Arabella only three days to memorize the 12,800 herbs. She passed Elise's test!

This Arabella... Who was she?

Arabella looked at Elise with her bright and clear eyes and said, "Ms. Roth, do you still want to test me? I have memorized all 12,800 herbs, and you can test me at will."

Elise couldn't help but be impressed with Arabella. In her opinion, it was impossible for anyone to pass the test, but Arabella made it.

This girl was the one who was recommended by the dean. Now it seemed that she was really talented.

Elise thought carefully and tried to recall some medical news related to Arabella, but she could only think of two things about her. Arabella had just returned from the countryside, and she never went to college. Elise frowned. "Arabella, congratulations. You passed the test, and you can stay at Confidential Medical Institute for your internship."

"Wow, that's great! Arabella, I've doubled my bet. I'm going to be rich. You know what, many people bet on you to lose, but you surprised us again!"

Rebecca ran over and hugged Arabella. Meanwhile, she gave Stephany a proud look.

Stephany then heard the murmurs from the crowd.

"It seems like this Arabella is not as simple as she looks."

"She's really awesome. There are 12,800 herbs, and she memorized them all! She has really made a record at the Confidential Medical Institute today."

"Stephany is the most popular girl in Confidential Medical Institute, and now it seems that Arabella is also very excellent."

Everyone's initial prejudice against Arabella slowly changed at this moment, and some of them even began to admire her talent.

Elise got up and said, "Arabella, don't be cocky. There is still a long way for you to go, because you don't have any education or medical experience. You have to start from scratch. I hope you can make great progress, but also hope that you won't make mistakes anymore, or you'll still have to leave Confidential Medical Institute."

Arabella smiled and said, "I know, Ms. Roth. Thanks!"

Elise left.

As soon as Ms. Roth left, someone came to Arabella and said, "Arabella, you are now one of our partners too! Welcome to join us."

"Arabella, can you tell me how you memorize all those 12,800 herbs so quickly? I want to break your record."

Arabella raised her eyebrows and smiled wittily. "I have many things to learn from you all in the future."

Now, Stephany, who had just been the focus just now, was left alone. She stood still with jealousy and hatred and watched everyone crowd around Arabella.

After everyone slowly dispersed, Stephany came forward to Arabella and said, "Arabella, congratulations! I always believed that you could get through the test."

Rebecca thought in her heart, "I had never seen such a shameless person before."

Arabella gave Stephany a look and said, "Stephany, aren't you tired? It's really a pity that you're not an actress."

Stephany wanted to say something, but she suddenly saw the necklace hanging around Arabella's neck.

Stephany's heart missed a beat. She had seen this necklace before in a magazine with Claire. It was a Tiffany necklace and was unique in the world. She and Claire loved this necklace at first sight. They were shopping with several celebrities together, and everyone was talking about it at that time.

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