Chapter 68 George Klein

"Mom, I want to become very strong!" Gabe suddenly became serious, and his gaze became firm. "So strong, even stronger

than Dad!"

Sadie was stunned. "Can I ask why?"

Gabe was silent for a moment and then replied, "So in the future, I can marry whoever I want without sacrificing my marriage to strengthen the company."

Sadie folded her arms and laughed. "My son is a real man!"

Gabe didn't seem to have expected his mother's reaction.

He thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Mom, if the person I like is not from a rich and famous family, is it okay?"

"Of course." Sadie replied without hesitation.

Then she rubbed Gabe's hair.


"You are my son, not a bargaining chip from a wealthy family," Sadie said in a loving tone.

Gabe felt his anxious heart calm down slowly.

He looked out the window as if wanting to see someone far


Chapter 68 George Klein He said to himself, "Athena!

"I will grow up fast.

"I will be powerful."

The next day.

Athena went to the Women's and Children's Hospital for a checkup.

She created a file for her child.


Probably because she was in a good mood recently, and Logan's Grandfather was taking good care of her.

The test results were not bad.

The doctor said her body was quite weak.

Athena wrote down the doctor's orders one by one.

When she was preparing to go back, she heard someone call her.

"Athena?" A male voice came from behind.

Athena was taken aback.

She subconsciously looked back.

She saw a tall man in a white lab coat running towards her.

Chapter 68 George Klein

The man looked handsome and very learned and refined.

He also looked very familiar!

"Athena, is it really you?" The man came in front of her and laughed with dimples at the corners of his mouth. Athena immediately remembered something. "George? George Klein?" She called out the name in her


George used to be a neighbor of Athena's family.

He lived right across the door.


George was from a family of doctors. According to Romy, it had been passed down for two to three hundred years.

The year Athena's mother passed away, George's family immigrated.

After that, there was a brief connection.

After her Grandfather passed away, Romy accompanied Athena to leave Greeli City to study in Girard City.

This also cut off contact.

"Athena, you are a big girl now." George gestured at Athena's


Chapter 68 George Klein

Then, his gaze fell on the medical report in her hand.

George's smile froze for another moment, and his face turned pale a little. He looked back with difficulty, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked with a smile, "Are you married?" Athena didn't know how to answer this question.

Byron always felt that Baxter was her secret sweetheart.

But if he really wanted to know her childhood sweetheart, it should be George.

She was young and dull back then, looking a little stupid.


Most of the older children in the neighborhood didn't play with


Only George.

He was good-looking and gentle.

Every day when he came back from school, he helped her with her homework.

If she didn't do well, he would never blame her, and he would always teach her patiently.


The reunion of the two childhood friends would be like this.

Chapter 68 George Klein Athena felt a little sad.

"George, what about you?" Athena asked.


"As a medical staff, how can there be time for me to fall in love and get married?" George smiled wryly. "What about your Grandma? How is she now?"

Athena lowered her eyes, and the end of her eyes turned red. "She passed away half a year ago. She had been suffering from diseases for the past few years. It's kind of a relief to her."

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