Chapter 100 Evie Knew Everything

After opening the door, Athena saw Evie, who was huddling on the sofa.

The table opposite her was full of desserts.

"Are you throwing a party?" Athena walked over, trying to keep her tone relaxed. Evie looked up at her, and her eyes were swollen from crying as Athena expected. "What's wrong?" Athena hurried to her and asked, "Did something happen?"

Looking at her being so anxious, Evie burst into tears and cried loudly.

Athena was completely at a loss.

"Don't cry. Did something happen to your stepfather?

"Or is there anything happening to you?"

"Athena, have you ever treated me as your best friend?" Evie cried and asked, "Such a big thing happened to you. I have been carefree abroad for so many years, but you..."

Athena's hand froze when she comforted Evie by stroking her


Evie had known everything.

How did she know?

"Baxter came to me!" Evie said in a sobbing tone, "He told me everything. Romy needs a lot of money for treatment, and that bastard took advantage of the opportunity to bully you and force you... for five years! That's unbelievable!"

"Evie, it's not like what Baxter said. Byron is very nice to me!"

"Don't lie to me!" Evie said, "Do you think I don't know him? Everyone says he is cruel and likes to bully others! And you are one of the victims!"

Athena didn't know how to explain for a while.

Evie suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "Athena, he is about to get married. You have to wake up and can't stay by his side anymore!"

"Baxter asked you to persuade me?" Athena stroked her head.

Evie sobbed and nodded. "He is very worried about you."

"I don't think so!" Athena laughed speechlessly.

She told Evie everything that happened back then.

"He swore at you like that?" Evie was furious.

Athena rubbed her temples. "He paid some people online this time and wanted to expose the matter on the Internet. But

before he posted it, Byron's public relations team found it soon..."

"Even if he didn't say it is you, the people online will dig you out, and you will be criticized by the public!" Evie felt it scary when thinking of this. "Yeah." Athena nodded, "He doesn't really like me. He is just not reconciled that Byron stole me from him... No, I've never been with him!"

"Then you and Byron..." Evie asked cautiously.

"Do you know Freya Bates?" Athena asked.

Evie thought for a while. "Is she the painter who married into the European royal family?"

"Right." Athena nodded, "She is Byron's first and true love, and we look quite alike."

"He treats you as her replacement?" Evie was curious about what happened and even forgot to cry.

"You can put it that way." Athena smiled and nodded.

"How can you still smile? I thought he really loved you. Look at how he treats you!" Evie wanted to cry again. "We're just taking what we need." Athena's tone was flat. "We agreed that I would leave when he got married." "Of course!" Evie echoed, "But last night..."

"The trouble is he regrets it and doesn't want to keep the

promise." Athena propped her forehead and said, "He won't let me go, and..."

"And what?" Evie was very anxious.

Athena sighed, "He threatened me that he would punish the people around me if I didn't listen to him."

Evie was stunned.

She stood up abruptly and shouted in a fury, "God damn that jackass!"

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