My Hockey Alpha
#Chapter 55: Spin the Bottle


Everyone went silent when Jessica suggested that we play Spin the Bottle.

“C'mon, guys!” she said, her pretty face flushed from the beer. “It's just a game.”

“I'm down,” Matt chimed in. Lori shrugged, which was usually a sign of consent. James, Enzo and I, however, all stayed silent.

“James?” Jessica said, shaking the bottle gently. “What do you say?” I wanted to groan, because I could tell that Jessica secretly wanted James and I to kiss, even though Enzo was there. Why did she get like this when she was drunk?

“Oh, alright,” James said, throwing his hands up in surrender. “I guess it could be fun.” His eyes flickered over to me briefly, and I could tell that the idea of us kissing made him a bit excited.

I wasn't excited, however.

“Well, looks like we have a majority vote here,” Jessica said, setting the bottle down in the middle of the circle, right next to the fire pit. “Sorry, Nina and Enzo. You guys don't have to play if you don't want to.”

“I'll play.”

Enzo's firm decision took me by surprise. I looked over at him with wide eyes; he was staring right at me from across the fire pit. I couldn't tell if it was just the light from the fire or his werewolf eyes that made his irises look red from here. Judging from how my heart started racing all of a sudden, I figured it was the latter.

"Yay!" Jessica said, clapping her hands lightly. “Nina, you're playing, right?"

I didn't answer for a few moments. I really didn't want to, but between the peer pressure and the alcohol, I finally conceded. “Sure,” I said quietly.

Jessica grinned. “I'll go first.” She spun the bottle.

I let out a soft sigh of relief when Enzo went to his tent, because soon I planned on secretly walking to the location where the businessman was killed to look for clues.

Once I was certain everyone else was asleep and the fire had burned down to nothing but embers, I quietly pulled my boots on and grabbed my flashlight. I grabbed the gun and slipped the strap around my torso, then slowly unzipped my tent and looked around to make sure no one was around before silently stepping out and sneaking off into the forest.

I didn't get far, however, when I heard the sound of twigs and leaves crunching underfoot behind me.

Cursing to myself, I darted behind a tree; but it was too late.

“Nina? Is that you?” James called out quietly, walking toward me and shining his phone flashlight in my direction.

I gulped and stepped out from behind the tree. James relaxed when he saw me, letting out a deep breath.

“I'm glad it's just you. I thought we weren't alone out here,” he said, shutting off his flashlight so only the moon gave us light.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked abruptly.

James looked taken aback. “I had to pee. What are you doing out here, and with a gun no less?”

I cringed inwardly, having forgotten about the gun.

“I... also had to pee,” I replied. “And I'm paranoid.”

Thankfully, he bought it. “Fair enough,” he said. “Hey... I know it's not really my business, but...”

Oh no. I knew what he was going to ask.

" you and Enzo have a history or something?”

I wanted to lie, but I knew that it was too obvious from the way that everyone reacted when we played Spin the Bottle, so it was no use.

“Um... Yeah,” I replied, looking at the ground. “We had a thing at the beginning of the semester. But we agreed not to let it go anywhere.”

“Oh.” He sounded incredibly disappointed and hurt, but what could I do? “Is that why you couldn't stay the other night in the library? Because of him?”

I didn't know what to say, because it was true. I could only nod as tears welled up in my eyes. James was quiet for a few moments before speaking again. “I know how it feels to have conflicting feelings,” he said quietly, stepping closer to me and making my heart race. “Let me help you sort those feelings out.”

James cupped my cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss me.

Suddenly, we were both alerted by the sound of someone -- or something -- walking toward us.

I spun toward the direction of the sound, grabbing my gun off my back. I couldn“t make out what it was in the darkness, but the glowing yellow eyes told me all I needed to know.

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