My Hockey Alpha
#Chapter 243: A Sisterly Bond



Selena grinned. “Weren't expecting me to find you, huh?” she asked in a sing-song voice. “I guess you should've thought about that before you decided to daze every single one of my guards at once. Nice move, by the way. I must admit that I'm quite impressed.”

I narrowed my eyes. I went to take a step forward, but when I did, I suddenly came to the realization that some invisible force was holding my feet down to the floor. I felt heavy all of a sudden, like my body was filled with bricks. It even hurt to breathe.

“You know, no matter what you two seem to think, I'm not an idiot,” Selena said, checking her fingernails nonchalantly as she sauntered up to us. Beside me, Enzo looked as though he was trying to speak, but something was holding his mouth shut. When Selena heard his mumbles through his closed lips as he tried to speak, she just laughed abrasively at him before turning back to look at me.

“No one thinks you're an idiot, Selena,” I said, curling my hands up into fists at my sides. “Quite the opposite.”

Selena chuckled. “Is that why you've been trying to stop me every which way you can?” she asked, then leaned closer to me and lowered her voice. “I found your friend from earlier, by the way. What was his name? Frank? It's a shame... He was so loyal to you, and for what? All he did was scream and call his wife's name at the end.”

My eyes widened. “What the fuck did you do to him?” I growled. I tried to lunge at Selena, but it was no use. My body was too heavy, and I only fell forward onto my hands and knees like my limbs were made of wet noodles.

Something blue.

I knew what needed to be done. Frank was right; there was a way to stop this without anyone dying. I still didn’t know if it would work, but I had to try.

I squeezed my eyes shut and searched for my wolf. She was in there; I was sure of it. If I could just find a tiny spark, a flicker of life, I knew that I could gain the strength to move...

There it was. It was faint, but it was there.

When I opened my eyes, Selena was looking up at me with a grin.

"What?" she asked, laughing. “Don’t wanna watch?” She snapped her fingers, and suddenly I couldn't blink; but it didn't matter. I gathered the strength, thanks to my wolf, and pulled the knife out of my sleeve. I sat up, and held it to my wrist.

Selena's eyes widened as I began to dig the blade into my flesh. Red beads of hot blood began to gather on my skin, and at the same time, Selena’s wrist began to drip red too.

She gasped and yanked her hands away, holding her bloody wrist tightly.

"W-What are you doing?!” she shrieked.

I gritted my teeth and dug the knife a little deeper. “I'll do it,” I said. Medical school had taught me exactly which vein to cut to make me bleed the most, and if I did it, I would be dead within minutes. So would Selena.

Selena let out a whimper and lunged for me, dripping blood on the floor, but I jerked away and dug the knife a little deeper.

“If you hurt Enzo, I'll kill us both,” I growled. “Neither twin can live without the other, after all.”

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