Chapter 558

Lina Sweeney almost choked on the food in her mouth. She

managed to swallow the food in her mouth and looked up into Hadwin Stephenson's eyes. His eyes were staring deeply at

her now as if he wanted to see through her.

"Well..." She bit her lip and managed to come up with a

reason. "Because sometimes... You look a little too indifferent,

just like... Uh, a lotus. Yes, a lotus can only be appreciated and not messed around with, so... I... I don't dare to do anything. intimate with you."

As she spoke, she felt a pang of guilt as she thought of their

intimate moment back then. Look at what she had gotten herself into because of it! Even if she had some funny ideas,

she did not dare to act on them!

'Bah! What funny ideas?' Lina Sweeney quickly told herself that she did not want to get into any more trouble with him.

"Why don't you just do it anyway?" he asked, amused.

She was shocked. If she knew that her mistakes in the past would result in this, she would not have gotten drunk even if she would be killed. "I was drunk. As you know, I'm not a very good drinker. I get drunk easily, and when I'm drunk, I don't

have much control over my behavior. I... I didn't mean it..."

Her voice got softer and softer while his eyes grew colder and colder. He was giving her a strange sense of dread. Even her saliva was now stuck in her throat.

"That's true. If you had meant it, you wouldn't have left the

next day without saying goodbye," he said.

She felt as if she had been struck again,

He beckoned to the waiter and ordered a bottle of wine. Then,

he opened it and offered her a glass.

She blinked and looked at the wine in front of her. Surely, he

was not...

"Yes," he said lightly.

"I get drunk easily. If I'm drunk, I'll act out and things will get messy again," she said with an embarrassed look.

"Then I'd like to see how out of control you'll be. Don't worry, if

you're really drunk this time, I'll allow you to mess around with

me and not hold you accountable," he said.


Her face went red instantly. Did the man know what he was

talking about? He was simply seducing her with his words!

Hadwin Stephenson paid no more attention to Lina Sweeney. He poured himself another glass of wine and drank it.

Perhaps the only way to quell his anger was to drink and tell

himself not to care too much about this heartless woman!

Lina Sweeney got drunk anyway. She drank the first glass under Hadwin Stephenson's semi-threat. As soon as she drank it, she found the bottle of red wine delicious and drank glass after glass. By the time she found out that she had a

little too much to drink, she was already a little drunk.

"What time... Is it? I... I should go back..." Lina Sweeney staggered to her feet. If she did not go back, her parents

would lecture her again.

"A little over ten o 'clock. I'll take you back." Hadwin.

Stephenson held Lina Sweeney and looked at her drunken.

appearance. It reminded him of how drunk she was back.


"If... If I don't behave myself and offend you later, you... You can just throw me out of the car..." she muttered tongue-tied, unable to speak clearly. Her eyes were now misty. He glanced at her but said nothing. He led her out of the

restaurant. The Stephenson family's driver was already waiting outside the restaurant.

Hadwin Stephenson helped Lina Sweeney into the car and said to the driver, "To Miss Sweeney's house."

The driver drove the car slowly. Hadwin Stephenson looked at Lina Sweeney who was leaning against him and sitting sideways on his side. Now, her...

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