Chapter 538

However, Director Stevens kept a smile on his face. He said, "No problem, no problem. I think Jaygshan will be happy to have such a fan."

After exchanging more pleasantries, the director left.

Grace was a little surprised. She did not expect Jason to help her meet Howell Webb and... Uh, fangirl.

"What's the matter?" He looked at the blank expression on her face. "Are you overjoyed to hear that you're going to take a photo with Howell Webb and get his autograph?

"I'm happy. Uh, but not that kind of happy... It's just..." She was a little incoherent for a moment. What pleased her most was not getting to see Howell Webb up close, getting a photo taken with him, and getting his autograph, but Jason's casual gestures that made her feel cherished.

She was not just on extra, dispensable person or even a jays hated by her loved ones.

"Well, no matter what kind of happiness it is, as long as it's your wish, I'll help you realize it, whispered jason as he leaned slightly to look at her at eye-level. "It's just that the person you

love most must be me, all right? You must never change that."

His magnetic voice was like the whisper of a lover, there was a seductive undertone in it. His gaze was burning.

It was as if the casual whisper was a promise, and now he demanded her promise.

Grace could not help nodding her head. "Sure." She thought

that the person she loved most was already him. It was

he who made her feel the feeling of being cherished and


It was he who made her understand that there was a person who would take her so seriously in this world and that there was someone who loved her so much!

Jason smiled with satisfaction. Nelson, sandwiched between them, threw back his little chin. His big, beautiful eyes were

full of confusion. He was wondering what the grown-ups were


However, um, having Aunt and Uncle holding his hands felt pretty good. He usually saw a lot of children having their hands held by their father and mother like this.

However, his hands were usually only held by his mother and grandmother.

He... Had wondered before what it would be like to be held by his father, but Mommy said Daddy was gone and far away in


Where was it? When he grew up, could he go there to look for Daddy?

Nelson often thought about this, but little did he know that his

father was not up in the sky. In fact, Nelson would meet him


The auditorium for the premiere was naturally great. The stereo was awesome, and the seats were more spacious than ordinary theater seats.

To make it easier for the little one to see the screen, Grace asked him to sit with her so that she could explain to him what was going on. However, when it was time to watch the film, the little one. blew Grace's mind.

The little one... Could understand most of the subtitles in the film, except for a few words.

Grace was completely dumbstruck. Uh... It seemed that

Nelson was far more intelligent than she could have imagined.

Although the child could understand the subtitles, he

could not understand the story. He only had a preliminary

understanding of the good fighting the bad.


50, the little one watched with relish.

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