Chapter 469

She was usually the subject of flattery in high society. She had never been treated that way.

"No, I must show that woman Grace a thing or two. She must

have told Jason about this. He has never treated me this way." Camelia Meyer put all the blame on Grace.

"That's enough! Don't bother Grace again, and that's the end

of this!" said Harold.

Camelia Meyer looked at her husband in disbelief. "What are you saying? Grace murdered our daughter!"

Harold's eyes flashed a complicated look, and he looked away. He was trying to avoid his wife's gaze. "If you don't want the entire Atkinson family to be buried with Jennifer, do as I


Camelia Meyer wanted to say something, but Lily pulled her

mother aside. "Just listen to Dad, Mom. Don't go after Grace

for now." As for when Jason would lose his interest in Grace,

that was entirely up to Grace's luck.

Camelia Meyer's face was full of resentment. Had she been.

slapped for nothing?

Why did Grace not die



In the Reed family's living room, Grace walked down the stairs.

She had been standing at the top of the stairs, remaining hidden in the shadows.

She saw what had happened in the living room and even

overheard their conversation.

She knew Jason was taking it out on her behalf. The humiliation she suffered this morning seemed to dissipate little by little after hearing how he defended her. The sound of her footsteps made him turn his head toward the stairs. Then, he slowly raised his hand and extended it in

her direction.

His movements were so natural as if he would reach out and help her whenever and wherever she was.

Grace stared at the hand extended toward her. She was a

little dumbfounded. She almost subconsciously reached out and put her hand in his.

His big hand wrapped tightly around hers.

"Why did you come down?" asked Jason.

"I... saw everything... at the top of the stairs. Thank you." She

bit her lip after she said. "But you don't have to quarrel with the Atkinson family for me."

She more or less knew that the Atkinson family and the Reed family had a lot of business dealings with each other.

Even though the Atkinson family was inferior to the Reed. family, if things really got messy, it would surely have an impact on the Reed family's business.

"Why not?" He smiled. "If I can't even claim justice for you on a small matter like this, then I've failed as a boyfriend."

As he spoke, he raised his other hand and once again stroked the red and swollen part of her face gently. "That slap isn't

enough, though."

She was stunned. What else was he going to do? When she asked, he simply said lightly, "You'll see in a few days. If anyone ever embarrasses you again, just call me, all right?" She unconsciously pressed her dry lips together. "You're making me more and more dependent on you."

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