Chapter 460

Grace hesitated and nodded yes, not wanting to give the

butler a hard time.

Grace had the driver drive her to a mall downtown.

She wanted to buy something suitable for her grandmother to

eat and wear. The mall's lower floors were full of restaurants

and eateries, so Grace went there first.

She looked at the cakes and pastries and chose a dessert

that was suitable for people with high blood sugar. It was a bit expensive, but Grace bought it anyway after remembering

that her grandmother's blood sugar level would sometimes

get too high.

After paying for the pastries, she walked up the escalator with

it in hand.

When she reached the second floor, someone suddenly walked up to her. Before she could even see who it was, she was slapped hard in the face. Grace's whole body staggered and she nearly fell to the floor. She steadied herself, but the pastry case she was holding had fallen to the floor.

"I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but it really is you.

You're out of prison now? You even came to the mall to shop?" That person's voice rang in Grace's ears.

Grace clutched her cheek and stared blankly at the irate lady

in front of her.

She remembered this face!

It was the same woman who had come up to her when she was in court and slapped her so hard that she cracked the corners of her mouth. Her face remained swollen for days. The bailiff standing next to her did not even try to stop the woman. It was as if he had deliberately set aside time for the

woman to hit her.

This woman was Jennifer Atkinson's mother... Mrs. Atkinson, Camelia Meyer.

Did this woman hit her because she was from the Atkinson family? She, however, had no background and was even a loser who got kicked out by the Stevens family. Now that she was out of prison, the same woman slapped her face again. Then, as if one slap was not enough, the woman's hand was about to strike again.

Almost subconsciously, Grace raised her hand and grabbed the woman's hand that was about to hit her.

"I've never harmed anyone!" said Grace as she stared at her coldly.

"You have the cheek to say you've never harmed anyone when the court has already found you guilty. Three years... Hmph! You've only been in prison for three years. In my opinion, you ought to be in prison for life!" said Camelia Meyer who looked furious. She raised her other hand, trying to slap Grace again.

Grace could only block her with her other hand. "Are there no wrongful convictions in court? Listen here, I don't owe you anything, and you have no right to hit me!"

"Rights?" Another middle-aged male voice chimed in. "What qualifies someone like you to talk about rights?"

Grace stiffened as she looked up at the man walking over. It was... Jennifer Atkinson's father, Harold.

Jason was not the only one she had nightmares about. There was Harold as well.

Harold was accompanied by several security guards.

Harold said coldly to his bodyguards, "Go and help the madam before this crazy woman hits her."

The bodyguards hurried forward and pulled Grace and

Camelia Meyer apart.

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