Chapter 420

"I see... I won't say anything to her." Kyla Corbyn hesitated and said, "I only found out today that Grace is your girlfriend. I never wanted to use her. I only hired her because she had been to prison just like me and I empathized with her, so I wanted to give her a chance."

The iciness in Jason's eyes dissipated a little. "I'm not going to interfere in the affairs between you and Martin Weiss. I just want Grace to work safely at your restaurant. You can call me anytime if something has happened to her."

With that, he gave Kyla Corbyn his phone number.

Kyla Corbyn hurriedly wrote it down. Not many people in Emerald City could get his phone number, but she managed to get it under such circumstances.

However, Jason said that he would not interfere in the affairs. between her and Martin Weiss, which meant that he would not tell Martin Weiss about her whereabouts.

This made Kyla Corbyn relieved.

Jason stayed in the restaurant and had dinner with Grace there.

By the end of the day, all her colleagues in the restaurant

Those colleagues did not know about Jason's identity as Grace. only referred to him as 'Jay'

Those colleagues also joked that her boyfriend looked rich.

and that Grace would be a rich man's wife in the future.

Grace could only smile at these comments.

If they knew he was Jason, would they still make fun of her like that? Or would they think that she and Jason did not have a

chance at all?

On their way back, Jason said, "Your boss is a nice lady."

"Yes, Kyla is nice," said Grace. Suddenly, as if remembering

something, she added. "By the way, Nelson is going to have his operation tomorrow. Kyla and her mother are going to the hospital to watch over Nelson. The restaurant will be closed for a few days, so I have a few days off work."

"Does that mean I won't be able to eat the lunch you deliver

tomorrow?" he said as he raised his eyebrows.

"..." Was that what he was thinking? Grace was a bit

speechless, but come to think of it, she had been having lunch. with him recently. "How about I cook lunch tomorrow and bring it over?"

When she said this, she suddenly thought of their time at the rental house. Sometimes, she had to work overtime, so she would prepare food for him. He could then eat the food after

Back in those days, she would cook for him, and she would

feel happy whenever she saw him eating her food diligently.

Cooks loved seeing people enjoying their food-even if the food was ordinary.

"All right," he replied with a smile. "You said so yourself. I'll wait for your lunch tomorrow."

Now that she had promised him, she could not go back on her word. Grace said, "Do you have anything you want to eat?"

"I'm not a fussy eater. I'll enjoy anything you make," he replied.

'Not a fussy eater... In other words, he did not have any favorite dishes or food, Grace thought to herself.

"Well then, I'll just cook something up tomorrow."

Once they got back to Reed Residence, Grace washed up and got out of the bathroom. She found Jason already sitting on

the bed.

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