Chapter 369

"Then you can make any request you want," she replied. After all, she only had a limited amount of money and only one life

to give.

"Okay," he responded.

She was taken aback for a moment. 'Did he just... agree to my request? He's being rather easy-going."

"How's your hand? Is it still burning?" He shifted his gaze back to her hand that was still under the running cold water.

"It doesn't hurt as much now. Since it has been under the water for some time, I think it should be fine," she replied. He then turned off the tap and took out his handkerchief that

he always carried with him to wipe her hand dry.

"Do you have any ointment at home? It still looks quite

swollen. It's better if you apply some ointment."

"Oh, we do."

"Bring it here now."

Lina Sweeney ran to her room to fetch the ointment for burned skin. When she got hold of the ointment, she suddenly

realized. 'Why am I so obedient?'

However, that remained as a thought. She still took the ointment and came out of her room. When she stepped out, she saw Hadwin Stephenson in the living room chatting with

her parents.

When she came nearer, she heard her mother say, "Oh, so that's it. Lina sent you back to your hotel room after you got drunk and took care of you the whole night. Lina is a kind-hearted girl. We always teach her that it is a joyful thing to be able to extend help to those in need."

When Lina Sweeney heard those words, she nearly slumped on the floor from having weakened knees. 'Kind-hearted? A joy to extend help?

'If Mom knew what 'good deeds' I've done, she won't be saying those words at all.'

"Indeed. If not for her meticulous care, I might have been in a worse condition. Sometimes after getting drunk, there is a risk of asphyxiation when the vomit gets into the airway," Hadwin Stephenson said and looked over at Lina Sweeney. "I'm truly grateful for Lina."

That sentence made Lina Sweeney extremely guilty!

Her parents then added, "Oh please. That was something she needed to do. We're all fellow countrymen, so of course we

need to help each other when we're abroad."

Lina Sweeney wanted to dig a hole to bury herself in.

At that moment, Hadwin Stephenson waved a hand at her.

"Come, come. Sit here."

She obediently followed his instructions and sat next to

him. Once she sat down, she realized that she had been too obedient and felt like a pet dog listening to the command of her owner. 'Eeks! Yucks! I'm not some pet dog!' She immediately comforted herself inwardly.

Hadwin Stephenson took the ointment from her hand, lowered his head, and applied the ointment on the burnt area of her hand.

Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney looked at each other when they saw what he did. Subsequently, Mrs. Sweeney asked in a friendly tone, "Tingxin, what other family members do you have? Have your parents retired?" "My late father has passed away. My mother has been living abroad all this while and has no plans of returning," Hadwin

Stephenson replied.

"Do you have any siblings?" Mrs. Sweeney continued to probe.

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