Chapter 182

"Sometimes, it's better to be less curious." He looked away and

drove the car.

"Okay, understood." Evelyn portrayed an obedient look.

She had stalked around and found that Brian liked obedient women. The more obedient they were, the longer they could stay with him. As for those who wanted to prove that they were an exception and wanted to be his 'only one', they were quickly dumped.

Although she wanted to become his 'exception' and 'only one', she was not going to rush into things. She would slowly inch. her way into his heart.

"Brian, thank you for the necklace you gave me today. I love


very much. However, I don't think I have many opportunities to wear such a luxurious necklace." Evelyn started on a happy note but subsequently sounded regretful.

She did not realize that her perfect performance was nothing

but a joke in Brian's eyes.

After all, he had encountered too many women who liked to put up a show. "You can wear them when you attend the

Starlight Banquet."

Joy swept across Evelyn's face, but she said, "But I'm just on unknown actress now, I don't think I'm going to be invited to the Starlight Banquet." "Why do you need an invitation to attend it? You just need to follow me there. I will then introduce you to a few directors and producers," Brian said. Evelyn immediately exclaimed, "Brian, you're the best!"

Brian continued to drive his car. The gaze in his eyes was icy

from the very beginning.

He knew very well what Evelyn wanted, thus he just went along with her wishes. After all, she was now his current girlfriend.

He did not mind providing some perks to his women as long as he received some benefits in return as well.

His car arrived at the entrance of the Cummins residence.

Evelyn could not bear to part from him. "Brian, thanks for driving me home. Would you... like to come up?"

"Nope," he said as his face inched closer to hers.

Evelyn's heart thumped so fast that it felt like it was going to

bounce out. 'Is he going to kiss me?"

Soon after, she was only left with disappointment because he merely placed his finger on her lips and gently rubbed on the lipstick she had on.

He frowned a little and took a piece of tissue to wipe the color off his finger before plainly saying, "Don't use this color anymore. It's too bright and does not suit your lips."

"Huh? Oh, okay. Understood," Evelyn immediately replied.

"You may get down now." The tone of his voice did not carry any emotions.

The car immediately sped off once Evelyn got down.

Evelyn bit on her lips, looking bewildered. She did not understand why Brian complied with everything she wanted.

For example, he would gift her any luxury bags, clothes, or pieces of jewelry she laid her eyes on.

Furthermore, he even invested in her to help build up her acting career as if those resources did not need any money.

However, to say that he liked her, it seemed like that was not the case either. In addition to that, his gaze was always so cold whenever he looked at her.

"It's just the beginning. I will get a hold of Brian's heart soon enough!' Evelyn comforted herself.

'Another thing is, what's going on with Grace? Is Grace...

together with Jason?'

That puzzling question kept circulating in Evelyn's head.

Within the confines of the tiny house, Jason carried Grace inside and gently placed her on the bed.

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