Chapter 127

She was not as weak as she had been on the first day. Her phone rang from time to time with calls from relatives on her

mother's side.

As for their purposes, there were all kinds. Some of them were begging for forgiveness for their uncles and hoped that she could withdraw the case. Some of them were asking which big shot had taken her away from the Miller family that day.

After all, there had been so many police cars tightly surrounding the Miller family that all the neighbors around

had seen it.

Then, there were some people asking to borrow money from Grace. They said that since she knew a big shot, she should have a lot of money, and it was expected of her to help her


Grace was speechless. With regards to this "big shot", even she did not know the true identity of "Jay".

However, from what these people said, she slowly managed to piece together some things that Jay had not said. She figured out how she had been rescued from the Miller family that night.

Grace left the ward and slowly walked along the corridor. She said to the nurse who was in charge of taking care of her, "You don't have to follow me. I want to walk around on my own."" Having other people following her made her feel awkward.

The nurse assented.

The bodyguards who had been guarding the door of the ward didn't say anything when they saw this scene. After all, since

this morning, Grace had already walked along the corridor

several times.

When Grace walked by the exit of the stairwell, she happened to see Jay through the glass door. He was standing to one side

of the stairwell and making a phone call.

With a cigarette in his hand, he leaned slightly against the corner of the wall. From her position, she could see his back, his elegant neck, narrow shoulders, slender legs, and fitting suit. Even if it was just a casual standing posture, it could

make people feel like he was a model in a magazine.

Before that, she had still been thinking that she would save up money to buy a suit for him in the future. She had wanted to see how he looked in a suit, but she had not expected that she would see him wearing a suit under such circumstances.

At this moment, the phone she had brought with her suddenly

rang. Grace quickly picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Surprisingly, it was a call from Lina.

"Lina, what's the matter?" Grace asked.

"Grace, you... are you with Jay now?" Lina had to especially

muster up strength when she said the word "Jay".

"Yes," Grace replied.

"Then... is he by your side now?" Lina continued, a hint of

anxiety in her tone.

"He's not here," Grace said. Her eyes were looking at the figure

behind the glass door. He was still talking on the phone with

his back to her and had not noticed her.

Her eyes moved down and fell to the cigarette between his fingers again. Speaking of which, she had not thought that he would know how to smoke. After all, he had never smoked in front of her.

However, thinking about it, he must be the son of a rich and powerful family. It seemed impossible to think that he wouldn't

know how to smoke.

Moreover, his posture as he held the cigarette inexplicably gave off an indescribable elegance. This was the first time Grace had seen that there was a man who could hold a cigarette in such a handsome manner.

"Grace, do you know that 'Jay' is probably Jason Reed?" Lina suddenly asked.

"What?!" Grace felt as if her head was going to explode.

Her eyes were fixed on the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. Jay? Jay was Jason Reed? How could that be possible? How could they be the same person?!

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