My Girl
Chapter 3

“It's been a long time, Kat,” Caleb comments as he walks past me, his arms inches away from my own.

He smells like sex.

I need to stop.

I knew a long time ago that he and I would and couldn't happen. He is only two years older than me, but that isn't the problem. The boy was completely out of my league. He was far out of my league, and I couldn't even see him on the charts.

Men like him never go for women like me. It's just how it is, and I'm fine with it now. I wasn't okay with it for a long time, though.

It hurt having to watch him date all these bitches and there I was panting like a puppy, hoping to get even a second of his attention.

Could never happen because of my brother.

It would never develop because he was much too good-looking and could land any girl he wanted, on and off their college campus.

Hearing him say my name caused me to look at his mouth and I wanted nothing more than to bite his soft-looking lips.

“Um yeah,” I whispered, embarrassed, and could feel my cheeks heating up. “I could use a shower,” I mumbled and looked up towards Jake.

“It's down the hall to the right. First door,” Caleb replied right away.


“We have to run to the store to grab a few things. We are low on groceries and toilet paper,” Jake said and picked up his car keys from off the counter. “Want pizza tonight?” He turned and asked Caleb.

“That's fine. I'll shower while you are both gone.” I added.

“Pizza sounds good, but it doesn't take two of us to go into town. I fucked up my knee during practice today and need to rest it a bit.” Caleb told Jake, and shrugged. “You mind?”

“Nah, bro, I don't mind,” Jake said, a worried look flashing across his face. “Are you good? Need to see the team, doctor?”

“I'm good, bro, just need to raise it up for a while. Go. I'm starving,” Caleb shook his head and motioned towards the front door.

“Alright. I'll be back in a bit then.” He sighed and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Caleb and me alone.

“Didn't you say you needed a shower?” He asked, smiling.

“Yes, I did. You have an outstanding memory.” I said sarcastically, trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest before I had a heart attack.

I can't break this pull I feel towards him.

Just walk away, Kat.

I turned around, grabbed tight to my suitcase handle and headed down the hall and I felt his eyes on me. I strolled up to the bathroom door, twisted the handle, opened the door and looked back towards the kitchen.

Sure enough, he was standing in the same position, smile now gone as he looked towards me with a different expression, one I wasn't familiar with.

I walked into the bathroom, closed, and locked the door behind, then leaned against it for several seconds, trying to force my body to relax and to take in everything that had just happened.

I didn't plan on my brother having anyone else here living with him, much less his best friend, the one man I crushed on so hard for years. I have not seen Caleb in years. The last time I saw him was before they had left for college. He looks even better, and I don't understand how that's even possible. He was already good-looking back then, but now he is like walking sin.

Begging me to do bad things.

Caleb was certainly going to make this situation a lot more interesting than I had planned for it to be.

Glimpsing myself in the bathroom mirror, I gasped and remembered how sweaty and nasty I was from running a few minutes ago.

Goodness. Was this my first impression? I mean, not exactly the first, but the initial impression of revealing my new self to hum. I wish I would have known he was here. I would have at least fixed my hair before walking inside.

Doesn't matter now, Kat.

It's already done.

I sighed, annoyed, and turned on the shower to let the water get hot and pulled my frizzy wet hair out of the messy bun that was sitting loosely on top my head.

Stepping into the shower, it takes a minute for my body to become adjusted to the heat. I closed my eyes and allowed the water to rain down on my face.

Flashes of Caleb replay inside my head over and over.

His voice.

His body.

His face.

It should be impossible for someone to have this kind of crazy effect on another person.

His hard body is on top of mine. One of his hands gripped in my hair, the other on my ass as he pushes me backwards against the wall. I wrap my fingers tightly into his hair, and take his juicy looking bottom lip between my teeth and bit it gently, making him groan.

As these vivid images played through my head like a movie scene, I slowly dragged one hand down my body, between my legs, slid one finger along my wet folds, and pressed the tip of my thumb against my sensitive little bud.

I wrap my legs around him as he positions himself at my entrance. I feel the pressure down there caused by him being so closed. His tip teases my swollen clit as he slides it up and down.

My breathing increases as he sucks on my neck before kissing his way down my best, stopping near my right nipple and sucks it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around my hard nipple before biting down gently.

"Caleb," I whimpered softly.

My finger between my legs move faster, the movement's becoming needy and rough as this powerful feeling develops up inside me.

He looks directly into my eyes as he thrusts inside me, the full length of him filling me. My head leans back again on the shower wall in ecstasy. It feels so good when he slides out slowly, only to shove himself back into me hard.

The intense feeling that was coursing through my body builds inside me overflowing, and my body almost collapsed onto the shower floor as I came harder than I ever have.

"Caleb," I moaned.

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