My Girl
Chapter 11

In one fast move, had me on my back on the bed, him now laying on top of me, putting his weight on me.

“You stalked me on my social page.” He growled.

I watched as he took off his shirt.


“You texted me dry.”

Um yeah.

“You gave me attitude,” he stated as the friction from his pants caused a perfect feeling between my legs.

I slid my arms under his.

I wrapped my arms around his back, dug my nails into his back. He presses harder into me, causing me to raise my hips up, rubbing my needy pussy against him.

“Please,” I moan. I'm already desperate for release. I have been waiting for years to know what it feels like to have Caleb inside me.

He looks at me, grabbing my jaw. He demands. "You want this between us?” He caught under my legs and dragged me closer to him.

“Yes,” I cry. “I want it. I want you, Caleb.”

I mindlessly reached down between my legs, but before I could offer myself some release, he seized both of my wrists, forced them above my head and snarled.

“You have fucked yourself enough while thinking about me. It's my turn to fuck you.”

His word sent a delicious shiver through my body.

Yes, please.

He held my hands above my head with one hand, brought his other to the hem of my shirt and tugged it up my arms in one smooth movement.

Not fully taking my shirt off me, he stops at my wrist and uses my shirt to tie my hands together. Once he was satisfied with his work, he looked down at me and smirked.

Holy shit.

“Keep your hands above your head,” he growled. “You look so sexy tied up.”

I squirm under his molting gaze. Every feeling is heightened now.

He stands up and unbuttons his jeans while keeping his eyes on me.

“So fucking hot babe,” he whispered, dug his wallet out of his pants pocket and pulled out a condom and threw it onto the bed.

I rub my thighs together trying to create some friction as I feel my pussy getting wet, pooling into my panties.

He lets his pants and under drop to the floor and I take in the full sight of him and goodness, I may have a heart attack from how good-looking he actually is. My eyes widened when my eyes roamed over his hard dick and saw that he had his dick pierced.

He has a Jacobs's latter.

Holy fuck.

That is so damn hot.

He picked up the condom, ripped it open with his teeth, and grinned when he caught me staring at that dangerous cock of his. He slowly rolls the condom on and climbs on top of me. Hooking a finger inside my panties, he slowly slides them down my legs.

I moaned and pushed my chest up, my hard nipples wanting his attention. He doesn't make me wait. He gently sucks a nipple into his mouth while trailing his fingers up my thigh, stopping right at the edge of my wet folds.

He slowly slides a finger through my lips, teasing me and spreading my wetness around, while biting my nipple lightly.

“Caleb,” I whimpered, when he finally stopped teasing me and slipped his finger inside my warm heat. “Fuck yes.”

He pushes his finger in and out of me and while his tongue swirls around my nipples, and it's almost too much. I spread my legs wider, giving him more room.

“Your body has always driven me crazy, kitten,” he groaned around my nipple. “Once you matured, it took every ounce of my control to keep my hands off your thick thighs, round plump ass, and boobs that were begging for my attention.”

“Really?” I gasped, shocked that he actually thought about me like that years ago, and pleasure rocked through me at his words.

“I can't wait to feel you around my cock,” he growled against my breast.

“Don't stop,” I ordered as soon as I felt the tension building.

He stopped.

“No why?” I cried, ready to beg for him to let me come.

I lifted my head to see what made him stop, but my breath hitched when my eyes caught his and that sexy grin formed on his lips.

“Say please.” He whispered and flicked his finger against my needy bud, making me whimper for more.

“Please Caleb, please, please, please,” I rambled.

He slowly climbed his way down my body, brought his mouth near my pussy, and blew on it.

“Since you asked so nicely,” he circles the sensitive area with his tongue. Lazily moved his finger in and out of me, keeping up the slow assault, driving me insane with need.

“Holy fuck Caleb,” I cried, threw my head back and tightened my legs together around his head, wanting to keep him there until I found my sweet release.

“Come for me, Kat,” he grunted and stared to move his finger in and out of me, curving his finger hard inside of me and rubbing the tip of his finger against my pussy walls.

Just as my body tightens, my legs shaking with pleasure, and electric charges touched every nerve inside my body, he grabbed my legs, and slammed his long dick deep inside me.

My orgasm reached a level I never knew it could, and screamed his name as I felt my pussy milking around his dick. “I'm coming.” I told him unnecessarily because I realized you he could feel it.

“Fuck you are tight,” he murmured, grabbed my hips forcing me to stay still and pounds harder in and out of me.

He lies on top of me, his face inches from mine, and hooked his arm under my left leg and raised it up. As he slams himself in and out of me, his mouth finally touched mine, he shoved his tongue into my mouth and groaned.

“Do you taste yourself, baby?” He whispered against my lips.

“Yes,” I murmured.

And I tasted fucking good on his lips.

Bringing his other hand up, he wraps it around my neck and squeezes gently. He has complete control over me and it's the hottest thing I have ever experienced in my life.

I bite his bottom lip hard, making him moan my name.

“You drive me crazy,” he growled, reached up and tore my panties from my wrist, wrapped his arms around me and flipped me over onto my stomach.

He slaps my ass cheeks and thrusts himself back deep inside me, at the same time, mixing pain and pleasure.

My chest is flat against the bed, the angle making him hit the sweet spot inside me over and over. I grab the blankets, and all I hear are my muffled screams against the bedsheets.

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