Chapter 39

Madison intentionally played the role of a victim on the side. “Mr. Palmer, could it be that you are unwilling to divorce me and don’t want to marry Sally?”

Leo couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Madison, that’s enough!” The two women started arguing, and he was getting a headache.

Madison continued to act weak. “It seems that in your eyes, I, an ex-wife, am not as good as Sally. It’s a pity you almost broke my hand, Mr. Palmer.” She held her red wrist, looking pitiful and innocent.

Leo was stunned. He didn’t realize how much force he had used. The first time she cried out in pain outside the ladies’ room, he ignored her, and she hadn’t made a sound earlier.

Madison noticed his gaze and smirked mockingly. “Mr. Palmer, are you feeling sorry for me now? You didn’t show any concern for me earlier.”

“Madison, shut up, will you?” Sally couldn’t stand it anymore. She couldn’t bear to see Leo’s emotions wavering because of Madison. ‘It’s just a red mark on the wrist,’ Sally thought. ‘What’s the big deal?’

Madison wasn’t done yet. She suddenly felt that seeing Sally so angry was more interesting than pretending to be pitiful. She shook her head with an innocent look. “I’m not done yet. It still hurts.”

“You!” Sally was furious.

Suddenly, a light laugh came from behind, and at the same time, Madison’s expression returned to normal, and she ran in that direction.

“Joe, you’re finally here!”

“Is it fun?” Joe patted her head.

“Not bad.” Madison raised her eyebrows. “Can I borrow your suit?” She took off the suit covering her and threw it into the trash can in the corner without even looking at the man behind her. Leo turned his head and saw that she threw away his clothes and even let another man touch her. Not only that, she was putting on that man’s clothes!

However, all of this had nothing to do with Madison. She had no intention of guessing what Leo was thinking. After changing into Joe’s clothes, she took his wrist and smiled sincerely, her eyes shining like stars. “Let’s go. They must be getting impatient.”

Joe was concerned about her wrist. “Does it hurt?”

Chapter 39

Madison’s b*dy seemed weaker than other girls, so it was very likely she got hurt.

Madison deliberately acted coquettish. “It hurts. My shoulder hit the wall earlier, and it hurts even more.”

Leo, who had witnessed everything, was furious. He stepped forward and once again blocked her path. “Madison, are you sure you want to go with him?”

Joe stood forward to confront him. “Mr. Palmer, Madison came with me, so it’s only natural for her to leave with me. Mr. Palmer, you should be concerned about Miss Hale instead.”

Sally, who had been ignored, looked pitiful and weakly raised her head upon hearing this.

Leo didn’t want to talk to Joe and instead focused on Madison. “Are you not coming back with me?”

Madison’s eyes were cold. “Leo, the fact that I didn’t slap you again shows my good temperament. What more do you want from me? I’ve been abroad for the past three years. I’ve signed the divorce agreement. How have I held you back from being with Sally? The only thing I owe you an apology for is the marriage. But if you hadn’t agreed to our marriage back then, I wouldn’t have forced you into it. Did I coerce you into marrying me?”

‘Why won’t you let me go?’ Madison thought as she looked at Leo with teary eyes, and he remained silent in response.

Joe didn’t interrupt either. He had seen Madison’s behavior while she was abroad. Before that incident, she had loved Leo wholeheartedly. She used to write his name in a notebook every day, call and message him, and wait for his calls and messages every day. But in the end, she got nothing. Finally, she burned everything related to Leo. Now that Leo was back, he seemed to be interested in her.

Madison didn’t confront Leo for too long. She took Joe’s arm and left, dropping a parting remark to Leo as they brushed past him. “Please expedite the divorce proceedings.”

Then, it was like a scene of missed connections from a movie. They parted ways, heading in opposite directions.

Madison finally returned to the lounge. Fan ny and the others had been in a state of extreme anxiety, especially when they saw the red marks on her wrist.

“Why did you take so long? Did you meet someone? And what happened to your hand? Who did this to you? Oh, your mother would be so heartbroken if she saw this.” Fa nny was deeply distressed. Madison was the only daughter of the family, and after so many

Chapter 39

years away from home, she was still being mistreated. If she had been raised in the Daves family, no one would dare bully her.

Madison felt warmth in her heart. “Fa nny, I’m fine. My b*dy is always like this. Even a little force will leave a red mark on it. It doesn’t hurt.”

Fa nny, still frowning, said, “Even if it doesn’t hurt, it’s because someone pinched you or something. Tell me who did it. I’ll have them kicked out! How dare they bully you?”

Samuel also stared at her hand intently. “Does it not hurt? It looks quite serious.” Only Joe seemed a bit less worried as he explained. “Other than that kid from the Palmer family, who else would dare lay a finger on her? But don’t worry. He didn’t gain any advantage from her either.”

Thinking about the way Leo and Sally looked when he found Madison, Joe felt like laughing. Madison was something. No matter how others bullied her, she would give it right back. She played the pitiful act so well!

Madison nodded along and said, “That’s right. They didn’t gain anything from me. I even slapped Leo, although my hand still feels numb.” She had used all her strength in that slap, and her palm turned red from the force of it! She briefly explained what happened after she left. Of course, she downplayed how Leo blocked her in the ladies’ room and shifted the focus to the slap, which was only resolved when Joe intervened.

After hearing this, Fa nny snorted. “You let him off easily! I say he deserves a few more slaps!”

Madison jokingly lightened the atmosphere. “That won’t do. My hand hurts from one slap. If I did a few more, I’d probably need to bandage my hand.”

“You little troublemaker.” Fa nny finally chuckled, her mood getting better. “By the way, didn’t Samuel say he had a gift for you? You guys go ahead. I still have some things to attend to. I’ll see you another day.”

The fashion show had ended, but the gala hadn’t. As the organizer, Fan ny couldn’t leave with them.

Fan ny, we’ll head out first. See you tomorrow,” Madison said. Her lower abdomen was till aching faintly. If she were feeling better, she would have stayed a bit longer.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, she left with Samuel. Joe stayed behind because he

ad some matters to attend to. Little did she expect that as she left the venue with amuel, they would run into Leo again, as if he had been waiting for her.

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