Chapter 23

Madison was stunned speechless by her proposition.

She remained silent for a while, contemplating how to refuse. “Amber, I know you like me very much, however…”

Madison’s words were interrupted by Amber. “Why are you still being so polite? If you’re like that, I won’t be happy!

“Madison, I know you still hold some resentment against us. You don’t have to rush to refuse me, okay? As for whether you consider me your godmother or not, let’s discuss it after you’ve completed the divorce procedures. Since your marriage hasn’t completely ended, it’s not too much for us to maintain friendly terms for now, is it?”

Amber’s tone towards the end carried a careful coaxing, making it nearly impossible for Madison to reject.

Because Madison resisted inwardly, she kept quiet.

Madison couldn’t bear to refuse, but she was also unwilling to force herself. That was why she did not answer her.

Though she did not force the issue, Amber couldn’t help but feel disappointed, and her voice lost its previous cheerfulness. “Alright, Madison, it was my oversight. If you’re unwilling to do that, just forget it. But I still hope you can consider it. You know I’m willing to treat you as my daughter. Don’t rush to reject me. Tell me your answer after your procedures are completed, okay?”

In reality, Amber already had an answer in her mind, but she didn’t want to face the truth too soon, so she opted to procrastinate.

To say that she felt disappointment was an understatement. Amber was genuinely saddened.

Her son, due to her failed upbringing, treated her as if she were an enemy. The young girl she had watched grow up might also distance herself from her.

She made the request not merely to maintain some nominal relationship with the young girl but to allow them to interact occasionally. She also hoped to prevent a situation where they would become strangers in the long run, with little to no contact.

However, reality often diverges from one’s wishes.

After the call ended, Madison stared at the night scenery outside the window, lost in thought.


Chapter 23

The apartment was purchased for her by Joe. It was just the right size for one person and was not so big that it felt empty.

Perhaps too immersed in her thoughts, Madison didn’t even notice when Joe entered.

After calling her name twice and intentionally clearing his throat loudly, he finally brought her back to reality.

Despite knowing there was someone else in the house, Madison seemed absent- minded. Her eyes were dim and not as alert.

Unable to bear it, Joc admonished her with an unusual sternness. “Thank goodness it was me who came in. What if someone with ill intentions sneaks in? You wouldn’t know what happens if he hurt you!”

“I’m at home. How can anyone just come into my place? Besides, only you know the password to my lock. Who else can come in?” Madison didn’t pay much attention to his warning.

She wore her sl*ppers and came out from the balcony. She took two bottles of water from the fridge, offering one to him.

He didn’t take it but kept his serious expression.

Madison, trying to playfully coax him, dragging out his name. “Joe…”

He cast a stern look at her, and seeing the pitiful expression on the girl’s face, he finally relented and sighed. “Don’t do it again.”

Madison nodded repeatedly, “I got it.”

He emphasized, “If it is possible, I also hope you will be able to let your guard down all the time and relax. But, Jessica, you’ve experienced life and death. Furthermore, this is Sidovor City. Leo ‘t completed the divorce procedures yet. Who knows what he’s plotting? It’s okay if you daydream or lose focus at home, but what happens if you are outside?”

“I understand, Joe. There won’t be a next time.” Madison lowered her gaze, and the dilemma in her heart suddenly had an answer.

Originally, she was contemplating accepting Amber’s proposal. After all, Edgar and Amber used to treat her well in Sidovor City. She didn’t forget to wish Amber a happy birthday, partly out of gratitude and partly to avoid appearing too deliberate.

Cutting ties with the Hale family didn’t mean she wanted to deny everything from the past and pretend not to know the people she used to. Being too deliberate would only emphasize the importance of both the Hale family and Leo.

Chapter 23

Agreeing to Amber’s suggestion would be partly because Amber was important to her. On top of that, it would be a way to disgust Leo a bit.

However, if Madison were to genuinely agree, wouldn’t it mean she’d be forever tied to


The scars and wounds on her b*dy were still present. How could she allow Leo to be a part of her future? If Leo were her brother in the future would only disgust her, not him.

Having resumed a normal expression, Madison’s eyes now held a hint of coldness. She now decided to veto Amber’s suggestion.

Joe didn’t know what she was thinking, but he could feel that Madison was not in a good mood. It was understandably so.

She had her childhood companion snat ched away and who now treated her as an enemy. No one would be happy about that.

He scrolled through his phone, supporting his chin with a somewhat indifferent look. “Jessica, how about I take you out to do something fun?”

Madison turned to look at him. “Now?”

It was already cleven o’clock at night. Going out would either mean visiting a night market for food or going to a nightclub.

Joe certainly wouldn’t take her to the latter, so she decided to strike first. “I want to go to Opal Heights Bar.”

“No way!” As expected, Joe immediately refused her.

Madison twisted open a bottle of water for herself, taking a leisurely sip. “If you don’t take me, then I’ll go by myself. I’m already an adult. I won’t be kicked out even if I go a nightclub.”

At that moment, Joe wanted to give himself a good slap.

Why did he have to talk about going out to play so late at night?

But as soon as he raised his eyes and met her smiling ones, he knew he had no choice. but to compromise.

“If John finds out, you’ll have to say you came by yourself, not that I brought you!” Joe warned her.


Calling Opal Heights Bar a bar would underestimate the place. It should be described as the most luxurious place in Sidovor City where one could spend all their money.

Chapter 23

People from all walks of life gather there, from ordinary folks risking their fortunes for a night of entertainment to various wealthy second and third-generations seeking amusement. There were entertainments on the surface and transactions that took place in the shadows.

As soon as they arrived at Opal Heights Bar and before getting out of the car, Joe hastily instructed her once more not to let anyone know he was the one who took her there.

“Don’t worry, Joe, Madison reassured him, “If John finds out, I’ll say I kidnapped you.”

It was Madison’s first time coming to the place. She felt a mix of excitement and


Back when Sally hadn’t returned to the Hale family, she had heard about Opal Heights. Bar. During her rebellious adolescence, she happened to overhear Leo and his buddies. planning to come here. She secretly followed them to broaden her h oriz ons but ended up getting scolded by Leo and dragged back home.

Several years had passed, yet the decorations at the entrance seemed to have undergone no changes.

The worn-out sign hung crookedly on the old wall, resembling a relic from the last century. Neon lights rhythmically blinked, and faint music emanated from inside, already making one feel intoxicated before stepping in.

As Madison got out of the car, she was once again draped in a jacket.

“After we go in, stay close to me and don’t wander around,” Joe instructed in a serious. tone. He extended his arm to her.

Exasperated, Madison obeyed, looping her arm around his. “Got it, Joe. I’m not a child, and there’s nothing wrong with the dress I’m wearing. Why do I need an extra jacket?”

Without discussing it with her, Joe simply stated, “Just put it on because I say so.”

The two walked side by side, slowly entering the bar. They were oblivious to the fact that the scene was captured by someone not far behind in a car.

The photo was then sent to a certain person along with a message. [Leo, does that beauty look like your wife? Not gonna lie, but she has a great figure! Heard you’re getting a divorce. Can I court her?]


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