Chapter 11

As soon as the words fell, Sally and Ramona’s expressions suddenly changed.

Even though they quickly returned to normal, most people caught that momentary change in expressions. Considering the previous incidents, even the most dull-witted. person in the room could understand what was going on.

They wanted to drive away Madison, the foster daughter who had no biological connection to them, while also trying to maintain a good reputation for themselves.

However, nothing could be that good in this world. They could not take both sides at the same time.

Seeing that the effect had already been achieved, Madison did not waste words with. them anymor

“I have some self-awareness, so I think it is wiser that I don’t stay. I won’t pursue today’s matter. Consider it as repaying the kindness of raising me all these years. From now on, 1, Madison, and the Hale family have no relationship, and I won’t use the Hale family. name outside. Please rest assured!” Madison said.

As these resolute words fell, she turned and left decisively.

Leo, who was standing by her side, instinctively followed her. But before he could take a few steps, he was stopped by Sally from behind.

“Leo, are you mad at me? I don’t even know why I did those things. I really don’t know…” Sally’s voice trailed off.

Because of Sally’s performance at that moment, Madison also paused in her steps.

She caught a glimpse of the man comforting Sally with his head bowed. The mocking smile on her l*ps deepened, and she left without looking back.

“Hey, Miss Hale, wait for me!” a voice called out to her.

The one catching up to her was Blanche. She showed no signs of being affected by the online criticism. Her smile was very infectious.

“Do you

mind if I leave with you?” Blanche asked.

Madison shook her head. “Feel free,” she said.

Madison didn’t react much to her presence, and her aura was cold and clear.

However, Blanche, who was walking beside her, went on chatting away as though she could not be stopped.


12:59 Mon, 22 Jan

Chapter 11

현로 43%

“Miss Hale, can I be presumptuous and ask what all of you were doing in the room? I am quite curious. What’s the situation with that line ‘You’re amazing!”?” she asked.

Before Madison could speak, the two hooligans following them eagerly explained, “Oh! That was me cooperating well with Madison! We won three rounds in a row!”

Blanche went on, “And what about the “How come it’s me again, I really can’t take it?”

Another hooligan scratched his head. He said, “That’s because I lost too much. I was about to lose my pants to the two of them! If one of us loses one round, we have to take off one piece of clothing. Look at me! I can’t afford to lose anymore. Luckily, all of you came just in time!”

In comparison, the atmosphere in the room was much more oppressive.

Most guests had left, leaving only Ramona, her daughter, and Leo.

Sally’s eyes were red as she looked pitifully at Leo.

“Leo, are you blaming me? I don’t know what came over me at that time. I couldn’t control myself when I thought she was your wife. I didn’t want to! I know what I did was wrong. If only I didn’t come back. It would have been fine if I died out there… Sally- sobbed.

Ramona also cried along with her. “It’s all my fault. I’m not a good mother. If I hadn’t lost you back then, you wouldn’t have become like this, Sally. Mom now only has you a child. Nothing must happen to you anymore!”

Just like three years ago, when Sally learned about Leo’s wedding, she was once kicking up a fuss and talking about suicide.

Leo tightly pursed his l*ps. His pitch-black eyes were like deep wells.

After a long time, he straightened up slightly. “She doesn’t hold it against you, so there’s no need to overthink. Just don’t do such things in the future.”

Ramona hastily explained, “Sally is sick. It wasn’t her intention to act like this.”

Leo said, “I know, but her illness is not a reason for doing wrong. If something. happened to Madison today…”

He cut off his words abruptly. He didn’t want to think about that possibility occurring and the consequences if it had happened.

He withdrew his gaze. He had no intention of staying there any longer.

“It’s not early. Rest well. I’ll leave first,” he told them.

Chapter II

“Leo, you must be blaming me,” Sally choked.

Leo looked deeply at her.

He shook his head. “I am not the victim, so I have no right to blame you. Take good care. of your health. You will get better.”

Sally then spoke tentatively. “Then, Leo, you said before that after you divorced Madison, you would marry me. Does it still count?”


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