My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 597 Psychopath

Chapter 597 Psychopath

A psychopath!

Who would pine for a psychopath?

Austin's words fell and it was all quiet in the house.

Lois’ face stiffened and frowned for a long time without a sound.

Cora, sitting on the bed, was also dumbfounded, her eyes unblinking as she stared at Austin, questioning him through clenched teeth: "So in your eyes I'm a lunatic? If I'm a lunatic, why don't you just divorce me? Wouldn't a crazy person be a disgrace to you as your wife?"

"What could be more humiliating than what you did today. Cora, Hance City and Ayan made you crazy. Ever since you came to Hance City, you've known what's been in your head. You've provoked Camille over and over again, made so many little moves to throw dirt on her, and even went so far as to get yourself into a situation where Eileen almost gave you that disease. You've gone crazy over a man who won't even look at you."

Austin tore off all the pretense, his tolerance for Cora and tolerance were based on his thought that she would fall in love with him sooner or later, but after today and her behavior towards Ayan so far, he knew that Cora was a piece of ice that can never be warmed up.

She only had Ayan in her heart and only wanted to get back together with Ayan. She would never learn to face reality.

Austin stared at her eyes flooded with coldness. He did not wait for Cora to respond but continued: "Today's matter is just Ayan warning you and me. I do not care what you are thinking. But you have to remember, you are still Austin’s wife. Your disgrace is not only mine, but also a blow to my family. You should personally explain to everyone in this project, or you will leave leave Hance City!"

After Austin finished, he gave Cora a deep look, with a slow warning and threat under his eyes, then turned around and left the room.

When Austin left, Lois immediately went up to Cora, her eyes full of concern: "Cora, are you okay? Did he abuse you?"

Cora didn't move, just sat there with Austin's words echoing in her ears. The more she thought about it, the more emotional she became, especially with Lois’ voice echoing in her ears at the moment. She subconsciously thought about when Lois stood by Austin and helped Austin convince her to get married. If she and Austin had not gotten married, if Ayan had completely taken over the Simpson Group and he could have made everything himself, then the person standing by Ayan's side today would be her.

But she was trapped by her marriage. She couldn't stand by his side with her head held high. She couldn't help herself when she thought about it. She raised her hand and pushed Lois to the ground with force. With obvious hatred in her eyes, she said: "Get out! Get out! I hate you, I hate you, it's all you, you made me what I am, I hate you!"

Lois was stunned, and the hand that reached out to touch her was instantly stopped in mid-air and froze.

Lois looked at her with a stiff face, not knowing what to say at all for a while.

Cora got out of bed, her clothes were in disarray, and her face was a far cry from her usual modesty and generosity.

She glared at Lois with anger in her eyes and vented all her frustrations at Lois, smashing everything she could in the bedroom. She shouted more hysterically at Lois: "Are you satisfied? You let me marry Austin in order to secure your position. You think that if I marry Austin, you will secure your position in his family. Do you think Austin will really forget that his mother died in a car accident because of you?"

Cora sneered, then pushed Lois away and darted out of the bedroom. Cora was so emotional that she ran out of the bedroom and left the house. She didn't want to stay any longer and she didn't want to see Lois and Austin. She hated them, and she hated them so much.

When she ran out, Lois immediately chased her out, but Cora had already taken the elevator. Lois was worried that she would have an accident if she was in a bad mood now, so she immediately went and knocked on the door of the study.

She stood in the doorway and said to Austin, "Austin, Cora really knows she's wrong, she's just confused. After I take her away from Hance City, everything will be fine and you will go back to the old days. Just help mommy to find her, don't let anything happen to her, okay?"

Austin did not respond immediately, until he had finished the cigarette in his hand, then he raised his eyes and glanced at Lois, his eyebrows revealing a sneer: "You have not seen her attitude towards me? I don't have the ability to find her, but you knew my intentions at first but you still did what I wanted and what was your intention?"

“I ... 1 don't have any intention. I just think you really like her, I want her to have a perfect home. I don't mean anything else." Lois explained anxiously, not quite daring to look him straight in the eye.

But her words made Austin laugh out loud: "A perfect home? Aren't you trying to impress me, your bloodless stepson to always be the Mrs. Norman?"

“I didn't think in that way..."

"Okay, no more pretending. My father's old and can't see through what kind of person you are through your tenderness, but I'm not. So you don't need to play any more tricks in front of me, you just need to remember that you are just a nanny who takes care of my father, even if you are his wife to the public. On legal documents, his spouse name until the day he dies can only be my mother alone.”

Austin didn't allow Lois to say more and interrupted her directly. The sarcasm and warning in his words made Lois silent, and Lois at that moment was already humble to the dust, back to the way it was before Austin was with Cora.

She knew in her heart that Austin actually mind it because she was a nursing worker when her father was sick. At that time, Austin's parents’ relationship was not good. Her attentive care and understanding made Austin's father moved, and then also led to the broken marriage with Austin's mother, after which she naturally entered his family and was always fawning on Austin until Austin was in love with Cora, and only then was her position consolidated.

Especially since he and Cora were married, he treated her with respect and politeness. Probably because he was used to that kind of attitude, Lois was angered by Austin's remark as well.

She pursed her lips and retorted, “I have been true to your father and you, and if it weren't for me all these years, would your father's body be as strong and healthy as it is now?"

“That's why I pay you a high amount of money every month for your care. Do you think that's a gift to please you?" Austin grimaced, then said indifferently, “If I were you, I should close the door and leave me alone right now, then go find Cora and tell her to get the hell back to Campole right now."

Austin was angery, so Lois dared not continue to say.

But where was she going to find Cora?

Cora left the house like a puppet on a string and walked downstairs to the Simpson building. Her heart felt like it had been hollowed out and she kept asking herself, "Did Ayan really mean all that happened today?"

Did Ayan set her up with Austin?

But she couldn't believe it.

She didn't want to believe it.

She had always seen Ayan differently. She felt that he still had her in his heart, otherwise how could he have been willing to find a doctor to treat her without Austin's knowledge after knowing her health condition?

He was not at all the kind of person Austin said he was. It was just Austin deliberately smearing him.

But if it really had nothing to do with Ayan, why would Austin arrive in the first place?

She controlled the urge to rush up and question Ayan, but found a room in the nearby hotel. In the hotel room, she made a phone call.

She asked the person on the other end of the line, "Hello, I'd like to ask if Master Tucker is still with the Simpson Group. I'm Master Tucker's secretary and I'm not sure if he is still at Simpson Group because he can't be reached at the moment.”

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