My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 590 Destruction

Chapter 590 Destruction

"Of course I am concerned about you, I just want to understand the situation carefully at the same time, so can you tell me?"

“There's nothing to say, and Rex has told you everything you need to know."

"So can you tell me what I shouldn't know ?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, no!"


Sienna eventually did not get more information, because for Camille, there was nothing to say.

Camille didn't want to talk about it. She and Ayan were both probably suspicious of what happened last night, so she didn't want to keep it on her mind and get herself upset.

Since Camille had nothing else to do, she was dragged by Sienna to go shopping.

Sienna drove straight to the mall and said, "I left everything just to be with you, and you have to give me a gift."

Camille didn't refuse and walked into a luxury bag store with Sienna. After more than an hour of shopping, Sienna bought a bag and a pair of earrings, and naturally Camille ended up paying the check.

Sienna was so content to carry her bag and earrings. She suck up to Camile and said: "My Cami is the best. With you, it's enough. No need of a man. If you were a man, I would have given my life to you long ago. Hey, I blame God for stopping us from loving each other.”

"God didn't stop it, Rex did, so you can just show up with Rex and talk it out, choose the day, then make a phone call now and talk it out with Rex!"

Sienna turned angry as she raised her hand to tickle Camille: "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Camille laughed as the two of them chased after each other and fooled around.

At this point, Camille inadvertently swept up a familiar figure, she stopped and Sienna caught her.

But she quickly stopped Sienna from whispering, "Shh, stop it." Sienna followed her sight and saw Cora walking out of a couture store, holding the arm of a woman who looked a bit like her.

Sienna whispered beside Camille, "Is that Cora's mother?"


"Since her Mom is here, is this a family migration?" Sienna mocked indifferently.

Camille did not say anything, just peered at her. She did not care whether Cora moved here or not, and she was not curious about what Lois did in Hance City. She just had some unspeakable feelings suddenly.

But before she could react Sienna had reached out and grabbed her hand and followed them quickly.

Camille immediately guessed what Sienna had in mind and quickly stopped. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, since I ran into them, so I want to see what they are doing!" Sienna smiled wickedly, then took Camille's hand and followed Cora silently.

The mall wasn't too crowded, and Cora was probably talking to Lois, so she didn't notice them who were not far away.

Cora and Lois came out today specifically to buy a gift for Austin, so they exited the suit store and went straight into a luxury store that specialized in business-style men's products.

The store was clearly divided by categories to give guests a sense of privacy, so Camille and Sienna would hardly meet Cora and Lois after they entered.

Sienna refused the shopper's introduction, grabbed a tie at random with the intention of buying it later, and then dragged Camille to follow Cora around in circles.

Lois was gently reminding Cora: "Men still need to be coaxed, as long as you show softness he will agree to everything. If you go against him, you will be the only one to lose.”

Cora had already heard it again and again, and since she was still outside, she got a little impatient and said, "Mom, why do you always take Austin's side? Do you really think of him as your own son?" "Cora, how can you talk to me like that? I'm not just doing this for your own good. I've been there, I know what men want, if you don't listen to me, sooner or later you'll be at a disadvantage. Am I going to hurt you?" “That's enough, will you stop lecturing me in this way?" Cora lowered her tone, but the impatience and anger in her voice was obvious. Naturally, Camille and Sienna, who were blocked by a row of dense clothes, clearly heard the conversation between the two.

The two ladies looked at each other, and a complex look rose under their eyes.

Camille whispered, "Okay, let's go, it's not good to run into each other later.”

“If you run into her, then you just run into her. It's not her house. Is she the only one allowed to come? And I'm picking out something too, maybe there's something suitable!"

Although Sienna knew eavesdropping was not good, but she felt nothing good about Cora. She was always there making troubles. Cora's attitude also displeases Lois, and Lois asked, "Did you mention anything to him about leaving Hance City?"

"Not yet."

"Cora, what the hell are you hesitating about? Go back today and say that. If you don't want to, I'll be the one to tell him."

Cora did not speak, and then Lois continued to emphasize several times until Cora nodded her head reluctantly and gave up.

But Cora’s heart did not really want to leave, she still had a lot to do. She wanted to take a chance. She wanted to try again.

But she couldn't let Lois and Austin know about her plan, so she had to do it quietly.

The two finished their shopping and left the store, after which Sienna also bought a tie and a lapel pin. And when they came out of the store, Camille did not allow her to continue following.

Sienna said a little reluctantly, “I just want something on her and hold it in my hand to see what she is arrogant about?"

"The less trouble the better. She's not an important person. Why pay attention to her?"

Camille responded lightly.

Sienna then gave up and the two left the mall to go back to the car. Sienna continued to complain about Cora: "It's good that she's leaving Hance City, so I'd really like to invite her mom to dinner to thank her for her strict discipline.”

"You don't think it's strange?"

"What's strange?"

"Why did her mother have to make her leave Hance City?"

"Why else? I'm sure she knows what she's doing and can't afford to lose face.”

Camille repeated lightly, "Yeah, she must have known all about it, that's why they wanted Cora out of Hance City."

Did that say something about Cora's feelings for Ayan?

And Lois just didn't want Cora to give up her stable marriage and what she had now to keep thinking about Ayan, an ex with no future in sight, ruining the life she had now.

If her guess was correct, she was afraid that Cora's feelings for Ayan might be more than just a little.

The expression on Camille's face was hard to capture. She didn't allow herself to continue thinking about it, and she just spoke in a light voice: "Don't mention to Rex about seeing Cora with her mother. I don't want Ayan to think I'm prying about anything."

Sienna nodded in agreement.

She asked, "You're afraid Ayan will think you're jealous?"

"No, just don't want to cause a misunderstanding.” Camille replied indifferently.

Sienna expressed her understanding, but then suddenly asked, "Cami, really, last night Master Simpson did a lot for you. Did you feel a little touched? Is there a shred of wavering?"

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