My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 587 Fabrication

Chapter 587 Fabrication

Ayan's face was expressionless and his voice was gentle: "Why, both Simpson Group and I have no problems with Master Norman in terms of cooperation. As for his speech, probably only he himself was clear of what it is. Time will give us the answer whether it's a rumour or not. * “You are right, and anyway, I wish you and Cami well, and I hope we can always work together.”

"Sure, you and Mr. Bell have taken care of us as a couple Cami and I know that, don't worry, we'll be fine."

Ayan's manner was humble and his words were full of respect for Mrs. Bell.

Mrs. Bell asked, "By the way, where is Cami? I just saw her!"

"She went to the bathroom. You wait. I'll have her come to you later. You and Mr. Bell sit down for a while. I'll check. "


Ayan got up and left the open garden, and he hadn't seen Camille in a while.

Ayan searched the ballroom and lounge area but didn't see Camille. He went to the corner where Rex and the others were sitting and gave them a condescending glance: "Have you seen Camille?"

Rex laughed, "Ayan, you can't stay away from your wife for a minute?" Ayan looked at him expressionlessly, the indifference under his eyes like looking at a fool.

Rex, who saw the situation , immediately got up and grabbed Ayan's shoulders and dragged him to the sofa to sit down: "Can't you be such a big fan of romance over friends? You also need to give Camille a little personal space, so as not to look too closely at the person suspected of annoying you. You know what is called distance produces beauty? Maybe the two of you should be separated for a while, and then a small break is better than a new marriage?"

After Rex finished his words, Derek and Tomas also followed and agreed: "Yes Ayan, our Master Ward is an expert in relationships. Even if you and Camille are good together, you have to create a little freshness, too much time together will get boring."

The three of them were joking around, and Ayan didn't take any notice of it.

But he did n't get up immediately to go to Camille, and he wonder if it was for the so-called small break?

So he didn't have the slightest idea what Camille was hearing at the moment.

From the official start of the dance, Camille sneaked out of the dance scene while everyone was not paying attention. She walked down the hallway to a balcony and had a video call with Talia. She missed Timmy because she spent a lot of time with him these two days. So she hurried to call Timmy before he went to bed.

After the video, she returned to the ballroom and as she passed by the restroom she overheard several of the celebrities attending the ball talking.

"Did you hear that Master Simpson of the Simpson Group hurt his ex- girlfriend for his wife, and his wife forced her ex-girlfriend into depression by doing whatever she wanted with Ayan? I'd say this Camille is really vicious, even an ex-girlfriend is not spared.”

"She is previleged as the wife of Master Simpson. This is the mistress of the Simpson family, not to mention the embarrassing identity of his ex-girlfriend. She will deal with it herself before Master Simpson recalls his old days with his ex. But this is really terrifying. Why should a woman make it difficult for another woman? It is better to work on the man."

The conversation between several celebrities became more and more open-mouthed, and many false things were also said by them as if they had seen it with their own eyes. If Camille was not the one actually involved, she would have believed it to be true.

She pursed her lips. She was originally not going to pay attention to these people, but if nothing was said, it would be like a tacit admission that she was the ruthless woman as they described.

She took a deep breath without a sound, then turned on her toes and walked straight to the bathroom.

Once the door was opened, those celebrities who gathered in in front of the mirror for make-up, saw Camille standing in the doorway through the mirror, they all froze for a while and did not know what to say.

It was silent as several people looked at each other and then turned their attention back to Camille, and one of the celebrities who had just said Camille were vicious said, "Does Mrs. Simpson still have a hobby of eavesdropping on people?"

“Is this the bathroom?" Camille asked faintly.

The Celebrity responded, "Naturally, doesn't Mrs. Simpson know the word bathroom?"

Camille smiled indifferently, a sneer surfaced under her eyes, but her words remained gentle and not at all offensive as she said, "Oh, it's good that it's a bathroom, otherwise I will think this is someone's house."

"What do you mean?"

"You think I'm eavesdropping, but this is a public place. What is eavesdropping? If you really don't want others to know, then you should go back to your home and hide and talk slowly, then you won't be eavesdropped on."

Camille's eyes were full of coldness and her face cold and indifferent. Several celebrities had seen the world, but they were still shocked by Camille's appearance for that brief moment.

Others gently pulled that celebrity's hand to signal her to stop talking, but she did not mean to give up.

She snorted, "Mrs. Simpson, since you heard everything, why don't you answer our questions and tell us what the truth is? Are you really as mean-spirited as they say, deliberately targeting an innocent ex- girlfriend for Master Simpson's former romance?"

Camille did not retreat or escape. She looked at the celebrity in front of her, her face as cold as ice, and said, " As they say? Who is saying that? What evidence do you have for what you are saying? If there is evidence, then show it. I am also curious to see who actually started it. If not, does that mean you are making up nonsense?"

Camille's rhetorical questions, one after another, silenced several celebrities, all of whom were fearful of Ayan and the Simpson Group, but some words had to continue.

That celebrity girl hopelessly gave up thought on everythin and said, "Evidence does not matter. Anyway, you are a scourge. After all, everything started with you. You deliberately bullied others, and you pretended to be innocent. How about this? If you really feel aggrieved, then we will go out and let everyone judge. Anyway, the whole circle of people outside is here now. I want to see if we have wronged Mrs. Simpson or Mrs. Simpson, are you bullying others? *

After saying that, without waiting for Camille's response, she walked straight past Camille out of the bathroom and walked quickly towards the ballroom.

It was only a matter of time before everything that happened in the restroom was known to everyone present.

It was a rare occasion to meet such a good opportunity for gossip, and people naturally wouldn't miss it. The scene was noisy, people whispering and talking constantly. Most of the people were led by the words of the celebrities to think that Camille relied on the Simpson Group and the Simpson family to bully people wantonly. Not only bullying Ayan's ex-girlfriend, but now even bullying celebrities on big occasions like charity gala.

This was completely bullying and arrogance as Ayan's wife, and the daughter-in-law of the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Such bullying is naturally unacceptable to everyone.

Friends who were close to the celebrity began to speak out: "Shouldn't you apologize for bullying people?"

“If it's true that you can just do things to hurt people because of Mrs. Simpson's status, that's too much, isn't it?"

One comment after another, Camille became a vicious and poisonous woman in the mouth of the people.

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