My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 569 - Steady Profit

Chapter 569 - Steady Profit

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice low and cold: "It's easy to call the police, but there is no evidence to nail him, otherwise he would have been arrested yesterday."

Ayan learned that Camille had reported to the police and immediately went to the police station to understand the situation, but it wouldn't be possible to just find an unreasonable excuse to arrest people, right? Besides, with Austin's identity, calling the police wouldn't work much. At the end of the day, Ayan would also look at the Norman Group behind him to turn the situation into a good one, but that was not what he wanted, so he was not going to solve it as president of the Simpson Group.

Because Austin had no further moves for the time being, Camille also returned to Simpson's mansion, so Ayan left Maple Leaves Mansion directly to the company.

He and Kian took the elevator downstairs and, without any surprise, ran into Horace, who was on his way to Armstrong Corp.

The two men nodded and said hello, then each got into their cars and left.

Ayan sat in the back seat with a gloomy face and seemed to be in a bad mood. Kian saw it through the rearview mirror and also kept silent and did not dare make a sound.

After a while, the man's voice sounded indifferent: "You go later to find out if there are any existing homes for sale near Maple Leaves Mansion.”

Kian looked subconsciously at Ayan, "Master Simpson, are you planning to buy a house?"

Ayan gave him an emotionless look, "Do you have an opinion about this?"

“No, I'll find out immediately after I send you back to the office. If it's suitable I'll finalize it today. Do you have any other requirements?" Ayan just gave him a blank look without saying anything, but Kian could see it in his eyes.

The only requirement was that it should be close to the floor where Camille currently lived, preferably the same floor.

Kian was quick and with Simpson Group as a shortcut, he was able to get things done.

Finally, he settled on a large flat suite in the same building as Camille, but the house was not finely decorated, so it was a bit ordinary. But it did not matter. The important thing was that Master Simpson would be satisfied.

Kian told Ayan the truth and said, "Master Simpson, you can move in in two days at the latest after a simple refurnishing. Do you think it is okay for you?"

Slightly frowning, Ayan glanced at the paper in front of him with indifference. Then he said without emotion, “No hurry, you make full preparations for it first."

Kian froze, but in order not to retire early still held back the doubt in his heart and nodded: "Yes, I got it."

After Kian left the office, Ayan also put down the file in his hand and picked up his phone and scanned it.

Empty without a single message.

His thin lips outlined a faint light smile, raised his hand and squeezed his forehead, flooded with a touch of helplessness.

She really did pretend he wasn't there when she didn't need him.

But Master Simpson had now completely forgotten that he had sworn last night that he hoped Camille could use him.

Camille had lunch at Simpson's mansion, then put Timmy down for a nap, and then got a call from Yessica.

Yessica said: "Cami, there is a problem with a project. We made temporary changes to the draft according to the customer's requirements. But as soon as we submitted it, they refused to admit it and pay the balance on the grounds that we did wrong, and they also asked us to apologize. It is too hard to deal with them. I do not know what to do. "

Yessica recently took on the task of designing a villa architectural draft with a small team from her company. The client was also a long- established company in Hance City and came to Yessica because they had won an architectural competition.

Apart from the smooth cooperation in the early stages, the client really had been a headache, and Yessica would occasionally complain in the chat group that she would probably be ten years old after this project. So Camille and Sienna had heard about it and would give some advice. At that moment, after hearing Yessica's words, Camille had to pay more attention to it.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and briefly asked a few questions, which were answered by Yessica before Camille said, "I'm going over there now. You get all the documents about this project ready, then don't argue with them. Save everything until I get there."

"Okay, I got it." Yessica was like grabbing a lifeline.

Camille suddenly thought of something else and immediately instructed, "In case they record, whether you are contacted by phone or text message, just save the evidence."

Camille finished talking to Yessica on the phone, then left Timmy with the nanny and went downstairs.

She explained to Talia and then went to greet the old Simpson before letting Simpson's mansion's driver take her to the office.

Camille arrived at the office and Yessica had all the materials ready. Camille read them all and then contacted the person in charge of the client.

But the other side had only one sentence: “Either finish this project for our company for free, or we go to court to see who wins and who loses.”

The former proposal would leave Yessica to bear the loss silently. And as for the latter, once they lost, the news would spread throughout the industry. It would be difficult for Yessica to rebuild the image.

The tone of the other side was clearly standing on the higher ground, with complete dominance in their hands.

Camille did not say yes directly, but used a euphemistic tone hoping that they would give another opportunity, but they stuck to their position, only telling Camille: "Seeing that you are so sincere, I will tell you the truth. It will do you no harm to complete this project for free. You only need to draw a few drawings. If you can cooperate with us for a long time in the future, you will surely win even.”

At the end of the call, Yessica also looked at Camille with a self- condemned face, "Cami, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"Well, you did make a mistake, but feeling sorry doesn't solve the problem. Go find out if there's any usable evidence from previous emails. I'll make a phone call first, okay?"

Camille was always a fair person. She wouldn't take the mistake at work as nothing happened because they were good friends. Wrongdoing was what it was, and should be corrected in time to reduce the cost of minimal damage.

Yessica left the office. Camille picked up her cell phone and called. It was answered quickly, and she said in a warm voice, "Mr. Reid, this is Camille. I'd like to ask you a favor. Could you look up information on a company for me?"

Sitting in his chair, Kian was also surprised and shocked to receive the call, but hastened to ask: "Of course, ma'am. What information do you want?"

She told him the name of the company, then said, “I want to know if there are any professional scandals about this company.”

Kian immediately understood what she meant, and immediately started working on it without even hanging up the phone.

Because Simpson Group had information on all Hance City businesses, the search results came out quickly and were available within minutes. Kian said, "Ma'am, the company you checked out has a good reputation in the industry, but it's just very litigious. Do you have any involvement with this company?”

"Okay, I got it." Camille thanked him, and then added, "Mr. Reid, I can handle this myself, so I still hope you won't tell him, okay?"

"Yes." Kian agreed, but added: "You can come directly to me if you need anything.”

"Sure, thank you."

After talking to Kian on the phone, Camille called Yessica in and asked her to go to that company in person with all the information about the project, telling them they were willing to improve the rest of the drawings for free, but only if the customer signed an agreement and submitted it to their own company.

Yessica asked, "So we just compromise here?"

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