My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 552: Experience

Chapter 552: Experience

In the photo, the man's hand is holding the woman, and the two are gazing at each other with smiles on their faces.

If the uninformed of course will not think they are simply shaking hands to cheer the next project.

Rex looked at things and said, “Tsk! Too bad it's not you."

Ayan did not reply.

But Rex knew that he must have seen it.

Several people returned to their new school after seeing the buildings, and after eating, everyone took an early break.

Sienna shares a room with Camille and Dan and Rex share a room. The one-and-a-half meter plank bed made everyone feel like they were back in school. Sienna turned to face Camille across the room and said, "Remember when you used to live in school and we shared a bed?"

"Remember, you can't even get rid of it, the bed is already small, and I especially want to kick you down whenever you fall asleep.”

Camille looks disgusted, but Sienna is overjoyed.

The next morning around seven o'clock the crowd got up, the school has gathered many villagers and small children, because today the opening ceremony, everyone was excited all night sleep.

Oliver and the mayor prepared a ribbon-cutting session, and took pictures of it with the intention of hanging them in the school afterwards.

The morning was spent by all four with the villagers thanking them, and Camille said, "I don't even kind of recognize the word thank you anymore."

Because everyone was so enthusiastic, especially the old people, who shook Camille's hand with tears under their eyes and words of gratitude.

In the end, probably even the heavens were moved and it poured rain at lunchtime.

Sienna sighed, "How else is this going to be fun?"

“Don't worry, the rain here is different from Hance City, it comes and goes quickly.” Dan explained, but Sienna wasn't too convinced.

After all, with all this rain, it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon.

But it turns out that Sienna was slapped in the face.

The rain stopped in less than an hour.

In the evening, the village chief took the initiative to invite the four people: "Today it is raining, we can go to pick up mushrooms at this point, I do not know if you are still interested in a piece of experience again?"

Sienna was interested because she wanted to try what Camille had experienced, so we all set off together.

The mayor said, “It hasn't rained for half a month, so there must be a lot of people picking up mushrooms."

Even before we reached the pine forest, we could already hear the cheers of children and adults.

The village chief while leading the way, while expressing his apologies: “Last time over really sorry to let that Manager Hayes lost, but now you can rest assured that Master Simpson arranged for someone to install a monitor for us, on the one hand, to prevent mushroom picking someone lost, on the other hand, can also monitor the situation in the mountain can respond in a timely manner. *

After hearing what the township chief said, everyone then realized that Ayan had done so much in private.

Several people walked to the pine forest, the villagers saw immediately made a way for them to participate, not only that, several children are also immediately handed to the basket as an “introducer” to tell them what can eat what can not eat?

The atmosphere is quite cordial and harmonious, a short time to harvest a lot of work, the sky is almost dark, we returned to the same way.

But just a few steps away, I saw three or five kids darting around. They ran straight to Camille and the oldest girl asked curiously, "Sister, didn't that other sister come?"

Camille immediately understood that this was a question for Cora.

She responded in a warm voice: "That other sister has a job and will come back later when she has the chance, but you have to study hard.” Several children nodded their heads, but disappointment was visible in the flesh beneath their eyes.

Camille asks, "Is there something you want from her? I'll pass it on for you if I can.”

Although she didn't want to get too involved with Cora, she couldn't bear to ignore the simple minds of children.

The girl whispered, "There's nothing wrong with it, but I just wanted to ask my sister if she had compared the ants she brought back with those in the city."

This comment made the township chief laugh helplessly: "No matter where the ants must be the same, well, well, it's getting dark, you guys hurry home too."

But Camille frowned, and the look under her eyes was warm and indifferent as she followed the girl's words and asked, "Did you make a deal with your sister?"

The girl nodded: "Because my sister's feet were bitten by ants, so she asked us to help her with a lot of ants in a bottle and said she would bring them back to the city for comparison, and then later she would tell us what the difference was?"

The girl's simplicity made her say Cora's words without reservation. The people present, except Rex all know that Camille was bitten by ants, especially Dan and the village chief, Sienna also learned about this from the message sent by Camille, but at this moment is also unable to resist asking: “ants can still be packed in a bottle?"

The words are full of sarcasm and questioning.

A few children also had unexplained expressions on their faces.

Only Camille looked to the children face unchanged faint smile: "probably already made a comparison, wait for me to go back and tell her, next time she comes to tell you the answer, OK?"

Several children nodded their heads, and then the village chief urged them to hurry home.

As for the topic, everyone shut up about it and went all the way back to school in silence.

The village chief went to arrange dinner, the four people sat in the hall to rest, Sienna rolled her eyes and said, "Cami, do you think the ants will be a meter eight long legs directly across your bed to go ah?" Camille smiled indifferently, "Probably!"

“It's bullshit!" Sienna could not help but directly poke through: "I see that is Cora themselves were bitten so use this means to cause you also be bitten, fortunately not serious, or poisoning life-threatening are possible.”

Camille is silent, but the coldness of her expression is enough to show her emotions at the moment.

Dan whispered: “Things have been so long, even if you know that others will not necessarily recognize, but you have to be more guarded in the future to pay more attention.”

Camille nodded her head.

Rex did not know the inside story, but from the conversation of several people also heard the general.

So he is also no disguise directly sent a message to Ayan, but also did not forget to say more: “If it is really Cora do, then I guess she lost in the mountains is probably not just an accident, your ex-girlfriend is obviously jealous against your wife ah!"

Ayan didn't know if he saw it or not? Anyway, no reply to the message. This was no fun for Rex, so over the next two days, he took the opportunity to send Ayan various individual photos of Dan and Camille walking together or sitting together at dinner or standing together talking.

But how can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet? This is not, tomorrow morning to go back, the evening walk just after taking pictures of Camille and Dan was noticed by Sienna went straight over and took away his phone.

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