My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 548 Distant

Chapter 548 Distant

Although she did not want to believe Austin's words, but the facts are in front of her, believe it or not is not up to her.

She pursed her lips and her voice trailed off, “You lied to me, you clearly said you wouldn't push me, but you still pushed me to this point, Austin, you promised me, you said you would let me go if I couldn't love you, you ..."

"I did say something like that, but Cora you think you can still go back in time with Ayan? Don't you think that's a naive idea? You used your physical condition to make him feel compassion for you, which you did, but can you guarantee that it will never change?"

A woman can use compassion to make men produce guilt, but this is not love, only a short-lived psychological reaction, with time will fade a little, until finally consumed nothing.

Such similar words, he has said to Cora countless times, but she has not listened.

He didn't want to continue this.

He let go of Cora's chin and said in a cold voice, "I've asked your mother to go back to her country and will come to Hance City to see you in the next two days."

Cora reacted then, "No, don't let her come back, I don't want her to worry."

Austin just smiled lightly: * If you do not let her worry about that depends on how you do, after all, you also know that mother-in-law is originally not well, a return should be very difficult, right?"

Cora was completely silent, because her only family in this world is her mother, so she simply had no way to say no, originally thought to run away from Austin, as long as Austin could not find her, then he would not take her mother what?

But why would Ayan do this to her? Was it really because she had pissed him off by going to Camille without permission?

Is it really because of Camille?

Cora did not dare to think further, the more she thought about it, the more jealous she became, jealousy made her body like ants constantly gnawing, making her feel unbearable and tormented.

In the end, Austin and Cora were not able to eat the meal because Cora was not feeling well so she could not come, and he, as a husband, naturally had to stay at the hospital with her.

Horace couldn't help but express his pity, after all, it was the first time he invited guests and was considered to be officially acquainted with everyone.

Mr. Bell, for his part, expressed comfort: “There is still time, and there are many opportunities ahead.”

After a short period of regret, we all officially entered the dinner time as well.

During the meal, the topic of conversation was not about cooperation, but about food and other lighter topics.

It was also almost nine o'clock when it was time to eat dinner.

When the group came out of the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Bell asked Horace where he was staying as a courtesy: "Master Burris has just arrived in Hance City and is staying in a hotel for the time being, right? If you feel bored, why don't you move into our hotel? So that we can take care of him and not get too bored."

Horace lightly refused: "Thank you both for your kindness, but my company has arranged a place to stay before I come back to Hance City, which happens to be not too far from Armstrong Corp."

“That's good."

Horace nodded, then his eyes suddenly looked at Camille instead, and he said, "Then please take care of Miss Armstrong in the future.”


The crowd looked at Horace unexpectedly.

Horace said without expression: "Today I heard my assistant mention that Miss Armstrong and I live in the same neighborhood, but I do not know how many buildings Miss Armstrong lives in?"

Mrs. Bell asked unexpectedly, "Didn't Cami go back to live at the Simpson's mansion?"

Horace's words seem to reinforce Camille's separation from Ayan, and Mrs. Bell's questioning is causing tension to build.

Camille faintly swept a glance at Horace, the latter expressionless without the slightest ripple, as if there was no deliberate.

But is that really the case?

Similarly, Ayan's gaze was also indifferent as he stared at Horace, the look under his eyes had no extra emotion, and his voice was low: "Master Burris only came to Hance City yesterday and he knows us all like this? Even our couple has a few properties also inquired all the way?"

Ayan's words instantly changed the flavor of the atmosphere just now, and the tense atmosphere was transformed by him into another meaning.

He reminded you all again that Horace knew several of the people they were involved in the project well.

So what is the reason for such a thorough understanding?

The atmosphere became somewhat subdued, Horace raised his eyes to look at Ayan, their eyes locked, and for a while there was no sound. Dan broke the silence with a joke at this point and said with a faint smile, "Master Burris understands clearly that he's not planning to set us up with a property in Hance City, is he?"

Once these words came out, Grace also immediately eased the atmosphere: "Master Burris just came to Hance City is not yet familiar with it, the assistant is probably hoping that Master Burris can get to know us better."

Grace is now in the same boat as Horace, so naturally she has to speak up for him. When she says this, she puts the blame on her assistant, and everyone stops saying anything.

The car came and the crowd got in one after another and left.

Dan left with Mr. and Mrs. Bell as usual. Grace didn't ride with Horace today, so she was left with Camille and Ayan.

Camille took the lead, "I'd like to talk to you about Armstrong Corp, find a place to sit?"

Grace nodded her head, "Yeah."

Camille was about to head for the parking lot, but Ayan called out to her a second before she took a step, "Camille, I need to talk to you." Camille's face was warm and light, and the bottom of her eyes were as flat as water: "What's the word?"

She didn't even look up at him, her eyes drifted aside, and if she wasn't standing right in front of her, Ayan probably thought he was talking to a robot.

Grace also saw the atmosphere between the two, plus just Horace said he and Camille live together Maple Leaves Mansion, and Camille and Ayan the other day because of the “marriage” rumors, and finally Simpson Group although the Simpson Group released a photo together, but Camille's side did not do anything. The Simpson Group released a photo together, but Camille's side did not do anything, so Grace had to think more.

She pursed her lips lightly and whispered, “Cami, why don't you and Master Simpson talk first and I'll wait for you in the car?"

Camille's eyes narrowed slightly and she returned lightly, "No, we're together."

"Camille!" Ayan called out to Camille in a guttural voice, then in a tone of clear command to Grace, “You go first."

Grace nodded, then walked away quickly.

The two stood in front of the hotel, Ayan's voice returned to gentle: "Go to my car first?"

She remained indifferent: "No, if you have something to say, just say it!" He frowned slightly, but his tone remained unchanged: "Are you sure you want to talk here with all the people coming and going? Then probably before the night is over me and you will be topping the Twitter charts again.”

She was light as a feather: "If you don't want to be on the Twitter list then make it short and quick.”

Camille wore a thin white sweater today, with a pair of light-colored wide-legged jeans underneath, and a long light brown trench coat outside, the whole person looked extra cool and white, causing Ayan to look at her at the moment, suddenly rose up a feeling that has never been seen before.

Some women, obviously standing in front of him, but he feels from the heart she is more and more distant from him.

He gave her a look, then lifted his feet and took two steps towards her to close the distance between them, and spoke in a low voice: "I know you don't want to see me, but I really have something to tell you, about the progress of the Fola School construction, want to hear it?"

Camille then raised her eyes to meet his dark eyes, the tone is still very light: "I want to listen is also dependent on whether you want to talk?"

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