My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 542 - Closing The Net

Chapter 542 - Closing the Net

His high nose is framed with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, sitting on a sofa in a club room, the dim light shining on him does not affect his handsome skin in any way.

It was probably taken by Rex secretly, so it was a little hazy, but the air of reserve that emerged between the eyebrows was impossible to ignore.

Sienna casually deleted it, and subconsciously rolled her eyes, then simply turned off her phone and tossed it aside. Her move was a little loud, making Camille ask, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just saw something unclean.”

Sienna replied nonchalantly.

Then staring at the driving Camille with her cheeks in the air, she asked again, “The heat of things online is almost gone, are you holding back the big move yet to open or have you already finished releasing the big move to sit and wait to close the net?"

Camille let out a bitter laugh, "What if I said neither?"

"What do you mean?"

"He threatened to make me never see Timmy again if I continued,” she said so calmly and indifferently that Sienna would probably have thought she was hallucinating if she hadn't heard the words herself. Sienna's eyes widened in disbelief, her eyes were filled with undisguised heartache for Camille, she opened her mouth but didn't know what to say?

In the end, I could only beep and choke a bit, "I don't even know all this, why don't you tell me anything?"

“It's okay, it's over, I don't want to mention it again, mainly Timmy is still young to make things bigger is not good." She held the steering wheel with both hands, turned her head and smiled at Sienna, and then continued: "In fact, after so many things, I have slowly let go, but I do not regret the choice, as the price paid for what they love it, after all, life is too dull and boring, like now so much experience is not quite good? * She has never been afraid of failure, which is probably also related to the environment in which she grew up as a child, without the love and care of her parents, only her grandmother's free-range upbringing, from the beginning will not treat her as a child, but like an adult to communicate with her, giving her the right to make her own decisions, so her heart is very strong.

Because of this, her non-competitive character will give people a feeling that she is very easy to bully, but in fact, only Sienna knows, her sharp claws if completely exposed after how powerful?

After hearing Camille's answer, Sienna said, "It's good to put it down, we are good looking and rich, what kind of men do we want?"

She has already thought about it, since Camille and Ayan have divorced, Camille has almost let go, so the next thing to do is to let Camille come out completely, how to let a woman come out from a lost love?

Then it is natural to quickly carry out a new relationship to forget to make up for the lost gap.

Sienna already had a plan in mind, but it would take some time to find someone who could match Camille, after all, her ex-husband's condition was there, so she couldn't be outclassed, right?

So she didn't take the precaution of waiting for Camille to find the right person and then bring it right in front of her so she had no way out.

As for Ayan, his days of regret are ahead of him.

Tonight Ayan only called Rex alone for a drink, although they often come to the clubhouse to drink, but a few people alone, at most Tomas will bring two female companions over to liven up the atmosphere.

So at the moment the atmosphere in the room is extraordinarily quiet, two men with glasses of wine occasionally clink, most of the time is silent without any dialogue.

I don't know how long it was like that before Rex asked unhurriedly, "Ayan, are you caught in a conflict because of your old feelings for Cora?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep eyes flushed with indifference, and he asked rhetorically, "Who gave you this false impression that I had old feelings for Cora?"

“Isn't it?" Rex was quite surprised.

At the beginning of Ayan and Cora's affairs although he knows little, but the two get along does not seem to be too much conflict, giving a sense of being able to go to the end.

Ayan frowned faintly and asked, "Did Sienna tell you that?"

"Of course not, we don't talk about these things, especially about Camille she basically won't talk to me about it, but the news of the marriage that appeared on the internet, it really wasn't because of Cora?"

Ayan's eyebrows did not move, thin lips pursed into a straight line: "No, there may have been problems between her and me long ago."

As for when it started, he fell into silence to think back carefully.

I think it was from the first time he asked for a divorce?

Camille has changed since then.

Her change made him feel helpless, and it was true that he really wanted to divorce at that time, because he wanted to speed up to find out what was the purpose between Preston and Eileen?

Then the divorce dragged on, dragged on until he dismissed the idea, but she never forgot it again, but reminded him from time to time, even when pregnant also kept hidden from him, everything has long been out of his control.

He clearly felt that his relationship with Camille was like sand in his hands, the more he tried to hold on to it, the faster it was lost.

Rex also sensed the helplessness in his words and whispered, "It's better to talk about the problem, it will have an impact on your relationship as a couple if it continues."

Ayan just laughed, but the laugh sounded more or less like a self- deprecating sneer.

Rex had known him for so many years, but this was the first time he had ever seen him like this, so he couldn't help but ask, "Do you need me to ask Sienna to help you get some information?"

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly and he said back faintly, "No."

It's not as simple as a couple of words between him and Camille anymore.

This he knows by heart.

He just didn't know what was going through Camille's mind.

So it's not clear if her disconnection from him is just because of the divorce or for some other reason?

The two stayed at the club until after midnight. Rex naturally went back to the villa where he was staying with Sienna. Looking at Ayan alone, he took the initiative and asked, "Do you need a ride to Camille?"

“No, I'm going back to the office.”

His face was warm and light, and his deep eyes looked extraordinarily misty because of the wine he had drunk.

Rex was a little surprised, "You've been living at the office lately?" "Hmm." He had nothing to hide and answered frankly.

Rex face complex emotions, torn after some can not help but say: "Ayan, you better think of a way to coax Camille good, or always live in the company is not a solution.”

Ayan didn't say yes or no, just closed his eyes and leaned back in the back seat and stopped talking.

When he arrived at the Simpson Group, the driver immediately opened the door to let him out and watched him enter the building before Rex instructed him to drive.

Rex returned to Grandiose Beach Mansion, the villa where he was staying with Camille. Sienna had just finished her shower and was still awake when she saw him walk in, smelling of alcohol, and came straight to hug her.

He sniffed deeply and said in a low voice, "Let me hug you."

Sienna wrinkled her nose in disgust and said, "It stinks."

Rex laughed, "Dislike me?"

Sienna: "Go take a shower, or you'll sleep on the floor tonight.”

The smile on Rex's face dispersed, and his brow was slightly knitted as his expression seemed to become grave.

Sienna flinched slightly, "Upset after talking about you for a couple of minutes?"

"No." He wrapped his arms gently around Sienna, the faint smell of alcohol surrounding the air, but he was sober enough to say with feeling, "You can't do to me what Camille did to Ayan."

Sienna frowns and asks smoothly, "Ayan told you Camille treated him badly?"

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