My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 540 Sin

Chapter 540 Sin

"What just happened has passed, you instruct the rest of the company not to casually discuss and spread what happened today, the company does not need gossips."

Camille warmly instructed, then picked up a file aside and began to look at it with downcast eyes.

Yessica nodded her head and went out to give the order as it was. Although people will not spread, but privately but still can not help but spit: "I kind of learned, just that is a typical end of the tea master, that dainty voice of speech not to their own husbands specifically to other husbands, tsk!"

“feel such a woman is really quite scary, look gentle like water, just when she came out of Master Armstrong's office also smiled at me, sitting in the rest area when I thought she waited for Master Armstrong, I also specially poured her a glass of water, now think about it is really a sin.”

"Am I the only one who's more curious about whether she's really Master Simpson's ex? What about our Master Armstrong?"

"Master Armstrong and Master Simpson didn't really have a marriage, did they?"

"Is the marriage change related to this woman? To really related, it feels really disgusting.”

Some people also speculate that since Cora is not waiting for Camille, why does she continue to stay here and not leave?

Was it deliberate to wait for Austin to catch her?

And why is Ayan here again by chance?

This question after question makes them feel more and more that Cora's mind is not simple, afraid that it is not planned from the beginning, right?

The speculation will not reach Camille's ears, but Yessica heard it all, and only after it was almost done did Yessica ask again to stop talking about it.

Yessica actually wanted to convey everyone's words to Camille, but she just opened her mouth, Camille directly interrupted: "You inform everyone to have dinner in the next two days, Sienna's restaurant is ready to open, invite everyone to get together before the opening.” Sienna will probably be running to both the restaurant and the office, and will go there when she needs to.

The words from Yessica's mouth stopped and she nodded her head and happily responded, "Yes, I'll go and inform right now."

When she left, Camille then put down the file, and the expression on her face became cold and gloomy.

As for what Yessica just wanted to say, of course she understood what it was, she already had the answer in her mind the moment Ayan appeared.

It's just that some people join the reckoning from the beginning, the end only to realize that the people simply do not have that mind to pan a plate from beginning to end to rationalize, and she does not want to spend time on these boring things to spend energy.

However, she does not care, does not mean that others do not care as well.

Exiting the Camille corporate building, Ayan and Cora got into the same car.

The difference is that Ayan is in the back seat and Cora is in the passenger seat.

Kian opened the door, and Ayan didn't mean to say anything, so Cora knew it was his acquiescence.

After getting into the car, until the car started, Cora only then hurriedly turned around to face Ayan, she pursed her lips, her eyes did not dare to look directly at his face, and could only whisper cautiously: "Sorry, I did not listen to your words to take the initiative to find your wife, at first I did not think too much, just a little faster to make the misunderstanding clear so that you can reconcile. *

“You do owe Camille an apology, but you shouldn't have come to her at work against my wishes, much less in the name of apologizing.”

Ayan pupils shrunk, the hostility at the bottom of the eyes rolled over, and a cold look emerged on that gentle face.

His indifferent, low voice was like a slap on Cora's cheek, making her feel hot.

Cora's face was stiff as she bowed her head, her hands clasped tightly to ease the awkwardness.

She said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, don't worry, there won't be a next time."

He did not speak, his eyes remained fixed on the window.

Her mind wondered if she was overthinking it.

Ayan has become increasingly distant from her lately, even after helping her arrange for a doctor and a hospital and taking her away from Austin without incident, but beyond that she doesn't feel the slightest bit of tenderness from him.

Especially today, he has not given her a straight look since the beginning.

That's right, he didn't even look at her directly.

The thought spread through Cora’s mind, filling her eyes with an unbelievable look. She pursed her lips and forced herself to ask, "Are you angry with me?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over at her indifferently, his voice low: “Camille won't call Austin to take you away, she's not the kind of person to fall on her sword."

Even if she didn't like Cora and was full of resentment towards him, she wouldn't do such a thing.

Instead of answering Cora's words, he was explaining for Camille, which caused a hint of disbelief to spill out of Cora's eyes, while the expression on her face changed more and more frequently, and following Ayan's words, she asked with a low tremor, “You mean I'm lying?"

Ayan didn't answer, just stared at her twice without moving.

His gaze revealed so many looks that Cora opened her mouth and immediately tried to make an explanation.

But the car pulled up in the hospital garage at that moment, and Kian in the driver's seat made a timely sound: "Master Simpson, Mrs. Norman, here we are.”

Ayan did not get out of the car, but instructed Kian: "Send Mrs. Norman upstairs and tell the doctor that the hospital will be responsible for any accidents caused by letting Mrs. Norman leave the hospital alone again until her condition has clearly improved. *

"Ayan ..."

"Mrs. Norman, the most important thing for you right now is to take care of your health, and you should not worry too much about the rest, eh?" Ayan's phrase Mrs. Norman forced her to wake up, but at the bottom of her heart was an indescribable boredom, why couldn't he give her a little indulgence?

It was clear that he was on her side when he took her away from Austin's presence, so why did it change so much in just a short moment?

She asked, somewhat undaunted, "Are you going to leave me alone?" He didn't answer, just said, "I will help you as a friend until the doctor judges that your situation has not improved, I have explained everything on the doctor's side, you don't need to have any pressure, cooperate well with the doctor's treatment.”

The expression on his face remained the same, but no temperature could be found, and this cold treatment made Cora's emotions a little agitated.

Some of the words hidden in my heart also came out: “So you're going to leave me to the doctor and just ignore it? But I'm in this state because of you, don't you have any responsibility for me?"

She realized what those words meant only after she said them in direct question?

The words were all about complaining and blaming Ayan.

His face was also instantly cold and hard to see, his dark eyes slightly narrowed in a narrow arc, the bottom of his eyes filled with hostility seemed to see her through as he stared.

Fei's thin lips outlined a cold arc of intent, "So what responsibility do you expect me to pay to you?"

“I don't mean that, I'm just afraid that if you leave me alone Austin will take me away from me, I..."

"Well, go up with Kian, Dr. Hoover is already waiting for you, don't keep her waiting too long, eh?"

He interrupted Cora's unfinished words, his expression indifferent like water, and his eyes also looked at Kian after the words fell, reminding Kian to hurry up and take Cora out of the car.

Cora's eyes were on him the whole time, and Kian opened the car door twice to remind her before she got down.

After she and Kian walked through the hospital doors, Ayan's cold-as- ice face became completely expressionless.

He clutched his phone, more than half an hour had passed since he left Camille's, but the phone never rang.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, before his eyes subconsciously emerged Camille look at him as if looking at a stranger's look, a helplessness can not help but turn into a sigh.

A few minutes later, Kian returned to the car, then took the initiative to explain to Ayan: "Master Simpson, I asked the hospital nurse, Mrs. Norman left the hospital on the pretext of going out for dinner, but I have instructed that such a thing will not happen again.”

Ayan did not respond, just closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat to keep quiet.

Kian started the car and went back to Simpson Group. I don't know how long it took, but a low man's voice rang out unhurriedly from the back seat: "If Austin wants to visit Mrs. Norman in the hospital, tell the doctor there's no need to stop him, after all, it's reasonable for the couple to meet."

Kian was slightly stunned and subconsciously asked, "Master Simpson, would this be less than kind to Mrs. Norman's recovery?"

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