My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 535 - Dividing

Chapter 535 - Dividing

He saw the two carrying something in their hands, like a pair of men and women living together, this idea spread in his heart, the coldness in his eyes, his face is also cold and indifferent: "Master Tucker is also in?"

Dan bowed his head and hung his head: "Master Simpson!"

Ayan's gaze was like staring at the two with a wind full of biting cold: "How did Master Tucker end up with Camille?"

Camille didn't explain, just looked at him with a slightly pale face.

Dan took over and said back, "Master Simpson don't get me wrong, there's Miss King too."

“You go upstairs first!" Camille handed the item in her hand to Dan, who took it obediently, and the two acted as naturally as if they had done it a million times before.

Dan looked over towards Ayan and said in a warm voice, "Master Simpson, I'll go up first, you and Camille take your time."

Ayan naturally does not have any response, those dark eyes have been staring at Camille from the beginning to the end.

Once there were only two people left, Camille then looked at him and asked, "If you're still coming to explain to me because of last night's topic then there's no need to say anything, as I said, you have your decision and I have mine to stick to."

"So you're the one who put out all those messages on the internet?" Ayan looked at her for a moment.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, without the slightest hint of avoidance, but only met his questioning eyes and answered frankly: "Yes, it's me."

She admitted it outright, there was no need in denying it.

Besides, she didn't believe he didn't know anything.

Ayan's face is hard to see the extreme, deep eyes full of cold: "You want to use such a way to force me to agree to your request? I said, you want to see Timmy to accompany Timmy at any time, the Simpson's mansion's door is always open for you, if you do not want to see me, I can also not return to the Simpson's mansion, is this also not okay?"

“I don't think anyone wants to stay under the watchful eye of another person, do they? If it were you, would you want to?"

"You think I'm spying on you?"

“Isn't that so?" Camille smiled indifferently, "Wasn't the reason you forbade Timmy to leave the Simpson's mansion the fear that I would take Timmy and leave Hance City while you let your guard down?" She did have that thought at first, but that was only when he didn't know he was pregnant yet.

But after he knew she was pregnant the idea slowly disappeared, unless he had a child with someone else, then Timmy would never leave him, because she would not let Timmy be aggrieved more than let Timmy compete with others for favor.

But so far, neither he nor the Simpson family had that in mind or intention, so how could she possibly deny Timmy the right to enjoy everyone's affection?

Ayan said, "So you think I'm going to spy on you and accompany Timmy to force me to compromise in this way? But have you ever thought that even if you openly disclose to the media now that we have divorced, it's just your word alone that no one will believe.”

"With so many people, there will always be one who believes it, even if everyone doesn't.” Because she hadn't expected to actually convince everyone of their divorce, after all, she was no match compared to the Simpson Group's PR.

She wants Ayan to promise that she can pick up Timmy whenever she wants to live here and promise not to restrict her from getting along with Timmy, even with the fact that she doesn't need to report to him at all when she takes Timmy out for a trip in the future.

But her attitude is tough, so that Ayan came to change the purpose, words indifferent: "If you intend to continue this, then I will directly send Timmy to a place you never want to see, after all, I in your heart would have been a thin-skinned ruthless person, you know, I can do anything! He clearly knows Camille is a mother, she naturally will not go easy to try, and because in her heart he can do anything, so he used this way to catch her soft spot, do not want to let the divorce completely exposed to outsiders.

Has he been trying to keep the divorce under wraps for so long, just because of the Simpson Group and this current partnership? Naturally not.

He no longer remembered from when he had existed a different mind about this marriage.

"Ayan, are you crazy?" Camille had a helpless look on her face. "Haven't I always been such a person in your eyes?" Ayan laughed lightly, his eyes full of sarcasm, he said, "This matter ends here, don't create any more misleading information to the public.”

“I'm not misleading, we're no longer related per se, it's just that you've been hiding it, I'm just stating the facts."

"Stating the facts or deliberately misleading, but I do not want to continue to see the topic about us has been staying in the heat to be talked about, you think our relationship is poked will bring me influence and trouble, but Camille have you ever thought?

Since I can sit in this seat I am not afraid of gossip, Simpson Group is also a century-old company, not afraid of any storm at all, the consequences of your actions will only put yourself on the tip of the wave, and will only make Timmy be talked about.”

This incident from yesterday to now actually did not bring obvious turmoil to the Simpson Group, except for the Simpson family and people close to Ayan are of the opinion that once Camille and Ayan divorce, then the shares of the Simpson Group will be divided and will face a huge inheritance share. The Simpson family and people close to Ayan thought that once Camille and Ayan divorced, the shares of the Simpson Group would be divided up and the estate would be shared. But the truth is naturally not clear word for word.

Because the Simpson Group cannot be divided into two parts, even if Camille has stock in its name, it is one entity and not two.

That's why the Simpson Group has never been as combative as other companies and giants over the years, because the old Simpson had already made plans to anticipate this step.

After his words, Camille remained silent for a long time.

Camille looked at Ayan expressionlessly, there are many times, she actually wanted to tell him, in fact, she loved him for many years, she was eager to see how he was reacting and expression?

But now, as he himself wiped out her love for him bit by bit until it was about to disappear, her only reason reminded her that he didn't deserve to know about it.

She would never tell him.


She said indifferently, "If you have finished, then is it okay to go? Seriously, I don't want to see you at all.”

Her words were indignantly angry.

There was also a clear flash of sulking and stoicism under her eyes; she didn't want to get into an actual conflict with him, but she didn't intend to give him any good looks either.

Ayan sunken face, the bottom of the eyes without the slightest temperature, all is a bitter cold: "Camille, I have long reminded you to keep a distance with Dan, but you not only did not listen to it but intensify and he is more and more frequent, do you think I do not dare to take you how to do and will not how to others have?"

"How? How could you possibly not dare to do anything to me? Haven't you done enough to me?"

The corners of Camille's mouth rose slightly to outline a sneer.

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