My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 527 Temper

Chapter 527 Temper

Kian froze, and after a few seconds of pause asked in a low voice, "So I tell Dr. Hoover that you don't have time?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes with a sullen face, his voice still low and cold: "Go there yourself and tell her that Austin is looking for her by all means, and that if she doesn't want to be found by Austin, she should cooperate with Dr. Hoover and the hospital's treatment.”

Kian: "Well, I understand.”

Ayan cut off the call and threw his phone on the passenger side.

He didn't drive away in a hurry, but lit a cigarette and smoked it.

After leaving the club last night, he came straight over here, originally wanted to go straight up, but saw through the window she had turned off the lights, probably resting, this point up to wake her, it is estimated that the next will not have a good face to him.

But now that I think about it, even if she didn't knock on the door last night to disturb her rest, her attitude today is not much better?

He hooked his lips in a helpless smile, should have known to wake her up last night.

A few moments later.

Kian arrives at the hospital.

Because Ayan has instructed, so he always travels with care and attention, and will go straight to his destination only after repeatedly confirming that there is nothing unusual.

He went straight to Cora’s ward, knocked on the door and entered, Cora was nestled on the sofa sunbathing, when she saw that it was Kian, she immediately put down her legs and didn't even bother to put on her shoes, she immediately smiled and asked, "Mr. Reid!

Kian returned lightly: "Mrs. Norman, Master Simpson is busy with work, so he asked me to come and see you. If it's not convenient, then you can also talk to Dr. Hoover directly.”

Along with Kian's words, the gaze under Cora’s eyes instantly became dull.

But she still kept her dignity and smiled lightly, “No, thank you."

"Mrs. Norman, you're welcome." Kian respectfully returned, then relayed Ayan's words to Cora verbatim.

She looked at Kian with a stiff face after hearing this, and her eyes were unblinkingly stunned. Kian saw this and whispered, "Mrs. Norman, it's really because Master Norman is following too closely, so there's nothing Master Simpson can do on his side, and I hope you can understand.”

"Of course!" Cora spoke slowly: "Please ask Mr. Reid to tell Master Simpson for me to thank him for his help this time, and give him trouble, and tell him to rest assured that when my situation improves I will settle things with Austin myself."

Kian nodded, the words had been brought and Cora seemed to accept them, so Kian didn't stay much longer, after all, it was inappropriate, so he said goodbye and left.

The door of the ward was closed, Cora sat down smoothly, the expression on her face was always slightly stiff and bland, and her heart flashed with an indefinable gloom.

She looked out the window, looking a little dull, her lips moving gently as she whispered, "Does he think so himself or do others think so?" Her face is warm and light without excess emotion, and then withdraws her gaze and continues to pick up the book on the table, but whether or not to read on probably only she herself knows.

On the Simpson's mansion side, Camille returned just in time for dinner.

Talia hurriedly ordered the kitchen to add two more dishes, and then happily pulled Camille into her seat: "I was just talking about you, and I didn't expect to see you the next minute."

"Mom, do you think I came here on purpose to pinpoint the right time for dinner?" Camille couldn't help but ask with a smile.

Talia pretended to look surprised, then nodded: "I just had that thought when you reminded me of that, so you really just want to come back and rub itin?"

Camille laughed, "Well, I did come back to dawdle, and I may have to dawdle until next year."

Talia flashed surprise: "Really?"

Camille nodded, "Really."

Talia: "Dad, did you hear that? That's what Cami said herself, she's staying home until next year!"

the old Simpson is also cheerful: "You also do not rejoice too early, next year after tomorrow."

Because it is close to Christmas, Fletcher, who is still the president of the Hance City business community, is also busy these days gathering with his friends in the business community, so he eats out most of the time and sometimes stays busy until the evening.

The old Simpson and Talia are the only ones left in the house for dinner, and now that Camille is back, the two of them naturally have someone to talk to.

While eating, Camille suddenly asked, "Mom, is Aria coming back for Christmas?"

"Well, to come back, she will be back home tomorrow morning at the latest, just so you two can also take this opportunity to have a good time and cultivate sisterly bonding."


Camille and Aria have known each other for quite a long time, but before that there was no personal relationship with each other, and all dealings were work-related.

After knowing each other's identity and because of the relationship between Camille and Ayan at that time, they did not have much opportunity to get together and chat.

Then it's time to take Christmas off to say whatever you want.

Camille came back, and naturally Ayan's side knew about it.

He did not return that night, however.

The next day, that is, New Year's Eve.

Early in the morning Camille, Talia, Fletcher and the family maids started decorating the Simpson's mansion to welcome the new year, decorating the Christmas tree, replacing the Christmas-themed lights, and putting up colorful decorations and all kinds of Christmas-related objects on the garden.

At a glance, it especially has a Christmas feeling.

Even the old Simpson, who was involved in writing the decorated Christmas tree, couldn't help but exclaim: “This is what Christmas is all about!"

The morning was a busy one at home, during which Aria also returned, and she too rushed to change her clothes and came to help.

She said, "I haven't spent Christmas at home for several years, and this year it feels like I'm happy to be back as a child again.”

For this year's whole family and Timmy's first Christmas, Talia invited two of Hance City's most famous celebrity chefs to her home to prepare dinner.

After everyone was busy, they simply ate something and then chatted and rested in the hall.

Aria hugged Timmy lovingly, and Talia couldn't help but urge the marriage: "Aria, when are you going to bring your friend home for fun?" How could Aria not hear what that meant?

But she pretended not to understand: "My best friend is abroad, let's talk about it when she comes back!"

Camille couldn't help but lower her eyes and laugh, and Talia gave a soft hum of displeasure.

Fletcher and the old Simpson do not participate in this topic, both remain quiet as not heard.

In the Simpson family, boys may be arranged for marriage, but girls are 100 percent free.

After this conversation, Timmy, who was staying in Aria's arms, started to get upset, which made Aria couldn't help but spit out, "Our Timmy's virtues are all like mommy's, but this unhappy look is exactly the same as daddy's, both are stinky."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud.

the old Simpson can't help but remind: "You say less, or your stinky brother will hear to make you look good.”

"Grandpa, then you have to be on my side to help me, after all, I'm complimenting your great-grandson!"

Aria is rarely at home, but the old Simpson's relationship is very good, because it is a girl, love to pamper, naturally will be more than Ayan the boy to love.

When the topic came to Ayan, Talia couldn't help but ask, "Why aren't you back by this hour?”

"Shall I call and ask?" Aria took over.

But Talia was silent, the old Simpson and Fletcher were also silent. Probably because of the telepathy between blood, Aria looked at Camille the next second and asked, "Cami, why don't you call and ask? My brother has a bad temper and I'm afraid he'll be mean to me."

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