My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 520 Injury

Chapter 520 Injury

Ayan raised his eyes to meet her gaze, his dark eyes flashed with a slight bewilderment, and he said in a low voice, "Dinner first?" Camille's brow wrinkled slightly, and her face became reticent.

She was silent and stopped talking, thinking to herself that if he didn't have anything to say at all and was just trying to trick her into eating together in this way, there wouldn't be a next time.

In fact, she also simply could not understand, obviously he did not love her, why instead after the divorce acted as if he was in love with her? It took nearly half an hour for the meal to be finished, and both men put down their chopsticks, their eyes locked on each other.

Ayan spoke lightly: "Cora came to see me at the Simpson Group this morning."

Camille's eyelashes fluttered and her eyes looked at him unblinkingly. So that's what he wants to say in person?

Camille lowered her eyes and said with a warm expression, “This is your business, you don't have to tell me specifically.”

Ayan blushed slightly, but did not stop there, but continued: "She is not in a good situation, hoping I can help her divorce Austin.”

Ayan told Camille in detail what had happened in the morning, but Camille didn't respond for a long time after he finished talking.

He stared at her and asked, "Why aren't you talking?"

Camille raised her eyes to meet his gaze again: "l said, in fact, you do not need to tell me this, this matter also had nothing to do with me, and I do not care what she asked you for help? Now that we're divorced, it's your personal business you can do whatever you want.”

Camille's reaction was very cold and distant, and her "We're divorced" dropped the temperature to zero.

His handsome face also stiffened instantly because of her words, and his deep eyes stared at her closely, as if he wanted to see her through. He said, "So you don't care about anything about me now?"

Camille's heart snapped shut.

What does he mean by this question?

She pursed her lips and looked at him not knowing what to say?

He added: "I'm telling you this because I don't want you to know from other people's mouths, and I don't want misunderstandings to arise between us because of this matter, as to why I want to help? Itis because her current situation if really related to the Simpson family that I can not sit idly by, I do not deny that there are also mixed with the love of knowing each other for so many years."

"Understandable, if a stranger encountered such things have the ability to help, not to mention that you have known each other for many years."

Camille returned lightly.

Her answer was without any emotion, every word came from her heart, especially the point that Ayan stepped in to help Cora, she didn't feel any wrong, no matter how the couple relationship between Cora and Austin really was?

But Cora’s situation today is a collapse that she has seen with her own eyes. If no one is willing to help her at this time, then probably she will be even more desperate, right?

But her answer was too calm, so calm that Ayan could barely see the slightest ripple, and he furrowed his brows, his eyes fixed on her for a moment: "You're not happy, are you?"

Camille: "No."

Ayan, however, did not believe it and still gazed at her: "I will let her handle the couple on her own when her psychological condition is a little better.”

"Well, that's fine, but you don't have to tell me over and over again." "Camille!" he blushed slightly, looking at her bright, clean face, his voice lowered to a whisper, "Is that your only reaction?"

Camille frowned at him, “I don't understand what you mean, what do you expect me to do? Do you want me to tell you not to do this or do you want me to go with her to meet her and give her encouragement and comfort so that she can adjust mentally and come out soon?" Camille felt helpless, what was she going to do right?

Ayan's thin lips pursed into a straight line as he looked at her, his handsome face was expressionless and his eyes were gloomy, he said, “I'm not asking you to do this, I just hope you can understand me and not get angry or upset with me in any way because of this, hmm?" Camille laughed, and she said, "Ayan, you can ask what you want to do? But you can't ask me to go along with what you do? Seriously, today for me, even if Cora is divorced now you want to stay with her is okay, after all, it is your choice, I have no right to dry over.”

Ayan cold face, deep eyes fiercely shrink, under the eyes of the thick as splashed with black ink so that people can not see the bottom.

He said in a cold voice, "So these are your true words?"

Camille met his eyes without any dodging and said back, "Of course!" Ayan sneered, and a look that made Camille's heart inexplicably flutter under her eyes.

He laughed to himself, "Camille, you really don't have a soft heart when you talk about hurting people!"

Camille was slightly stunned, clenching her teeth to control the outward expression of her inner emotions, before smiling warmly and indifferently: “You think my words hurt people, what about you? If the person who asked for your help today was a second person other than Cora, would you have helped despite the trouble and obstruction?" Ayan froze.

She continued, "You won't." She smiled, the look in her eyes as if she wanted to see through Ayan's mind, and then testified: "You obviously have not completely forgotten her but you want to act as if you have nothing to do with her, do you want to do it for me or for others? Or maybe this is the only way to make you feel at ease to help?"

His face was as cold as ice, a pair of very deep eyes stared at her without saying a word.

Camille's words have not yet spoken, she stood up and gazed down at the man in front of her, saying word for word: "If you really can't let go can help her sue for divorce, and then spend the rest of your life with her."

He sat there for a long time did not respond, just a face sunken powerful, his throat knot rolled, the color under his eyes as dark as ink, his voice hoarse to the extreme said: "I do not think so, I help her not because I can not forget her, just because I am afraid the Simpson family has an unshirkable responsibility, so ... "

“I don't want to hear it anymore, you don't need to tell me, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship you want to have with her, you guys can do whatever you like, I don't want to have any more involvement in this matter.”

Camille cut him off directly, not wanting to continue the conversation. There seemed to be no point in continuing the meal here, and since his words had been spoken, Camille wanted to leave.

She cast a faint glance at Ayan: "If that's what you're going to say then now that you've finished, I'll go first!"

He did not respond, just sitting there expressionless, look indifferent as ice let people dare not look straight for too long.

But just as Camille got up to leave the table and turned toward the door, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.

Camille frowned: "Put ..."

Ayan interrupted her in a light voice: "Camille, it's not what you think!" His tone was low and heavy with explanation.

He said, "I know you mind such dealings, I assure you that I will take care of this matter as soon as possible and there will be no other dealings after that except for the project, so can you trust me for once?

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